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Three types of subscriptions are available: Individual, Institutional, and Gift subscriptions.

If you are a student or a member of NWSA, you may subscribe at a special rate. The student/NWSA subscription may be taken for only one year at a time. Proof of student status or membership in NWSA is required.

Individual subscriptions are for individuals seeking a subscription to the print journal. A subscription to the print journal also gives you access to downloading PDFs of articles from past issues of the journal.

Institutional journal subscriptions include the print issues as well as access to the electronic files of the current issue and previous issues.

Both Individual and Instititional subscriptions may be made for multiple years, at a discount.

International subscribers, both Individuals and Institutions, must pay an additional air mail charge.

Mid-year cancellation requests will be refunded on a pro-rated basis within six to eight weeks of receipt.



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