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Weight Loss
This category contains 9 products.
Slim Photo
See yourself thin to help weight-loss with Slim Photo from Sound Feelings.
Body-Type Chart - laminated (USA Only)
New body shape posters from Sound Feelings redefine the "perfect body."
Body-Type Chart - paper (USA Only)
New body shape posters from Sound Feelings redefine the "perfect body."
Body-Type Chart - digital version
New body shape posters from Sound Feelings redefine the "perfect body."
Act Thin Be Thin - ebook
Discover the link between the overweight personality and lifelong weight problems with this instant ebook.
Intestinal Plaque Loosener - mp3, FLAC
Powerful mp3 instant download provides vibrational complement to colon cleansing programs.
Feeling Fat - mp3, FLAC
Transformational piano composition to help overweight, anorexia, bulimia, depression and low self-esteem.
Weight Loss and the Art of Focusing - ebook
Weight-Loss and the Art of Focusing reveals unconventional non-diet steps to stop diet torture.
Cellular Release Modalities - ebook
There is a correlation between the physical and emotional body. When we can finally dissolve the emotional armor that is situated in specific parts of our body, then the commensurate physical illness will have a chance for a deeper healing.
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