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Heart's Desire MP3 Song Download: Focus

Part Number: HeartsDesireMP32Focus
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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Most of the songs in this collection address specific principles of manifestation as established by Sonia in her book. A basic tenet is that what you pay attention to is brought to you in kind. Your focus magnetizes Universal principles that bring that which you intend. Focus leads to manifesting...simple...powerful. This is a 6/8 waltz that outlines the initial dance of fulfilling dreams It is the minor of the Throat Chakra key of G so it involves the spoken word paired with the action center of the Solar Plexus. Sing it over and over to establish step one. It works...let it.


That upon which I focus
Shall manifest to me
If I am clear
With heartfelt vision
Surely I shall receive
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02 Focus