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Heart's Desire MP3 Song Download: One By One

Part Number: HeartsDesireMP35OneByOne
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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Accessing your intentions can take some sequenced work. Clearing the blockages may take some time. Weeding the garden allows new seeds to blossom and thrive. This song is an old swinging rock and roll style in the manifestation solar plexus key of E. Knock your fences down and clear the pathway to the desire. That work is in your hands alone.

You might be surprised how easy it is to sabotage your own process. A random thought, spoken words of doubt, a missed opportunity, a road not taken...all can be subtle but effective road blocks. Step by step to your dream. Action followed by adjustment followed by action followed by adjustment leads to the intended results. Dance and move your singing way through the many repetitions of this song to activate the energy needed to clear the way.


One by one
I knock those fences down
One by one
I lay ‘em on the ground
Eliminate sabotage
Clear a path through the fog
Step by step to my dream
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