ABOUT THIS SONG Likely you have never been taught to get out of your own way. Our past corrals our future because we carry loyalty to our particular woundings of before. Until that energy is released and you get back your energetic balance, you will be under the influence of what was. In our culture the idea of surrender is a not so desirable one. It implies failure, weakness, inability, losing, being overwhelmed, not being good enough...yuk! This kind of surrendering is just letting go...letting go of resistance and all the drivel that runs around in your mind. One must learn to give up controlling. We have a limited perspective of the big picture and therefor restrict the possibilities that can come in. Be malleable and let Spirit do the driving. Enjoy the ride. But you get to constantly pick the direction and the stops and the starts and the in course corrections. Align with spirit in the power of surrender...give it up...give it all to the Light. You will soon see why you are glad you did. |
To bring my heart’s desire
To keep the Divine course I let the Spirit move me I tune in to the Source I step aside, surrender Give up all control In faithful expectation I cruise God’s Holy Road Surrender, give it to the Light Surrender, give it to the Light ©1999. Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved. |
08 Surrender