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Joyful Vow Song MP3 Download

Part Number: JoyfulVowMP3DL
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Again, inspired by Sonia Choquette's book, Your Heart's Desire, I penned this song to underscore the power we have to make high frequency choices and live them out in our moments of living. It is a rolling song in the Throat Chakra key of G. It is about laying claim to the larger truth of me and shouting it out to the world. In doing so, the energetic debris of past woundings gets shaken and moved and released to reveal the tender, precious, eternal I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. pretty cool, huh...just sing this song with all your might!
Look at me shining here One with I Am
Here in this Glory I stand
I wanna sing it out
From this beginning I shall unfold
A peace loving Light In this world
Ooo and I shall breathe It every moment
Ooo I will shine this Light of Truth
This is my joyful vow
Living me in the now
Genesis I Am home

 © 1997. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved.

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