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Mentoring: Mentoring the Reclamation of Imagination and Creativity

Part Number: MentoringTheReclamationImaginationCreativity
Price: $495.00
Status: Available

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Launching January 2025

Imagination and wonder, both elements that are an essential part of our original design, are often the casualties of the education process. When the imagination is not nurtured and celebrated our capacity to create in a fluid manner is compromised. Many have grown to consider themselves uncreative because they have lost touch with their innate abilities. 
If you are ready to reclaim your sense of wonder and imagination and open up the door to your own expanded inner child self, then please consider a 10 session course with Mark. This phone/Skype/computer journey is designed to reactivate your awareness, knowing, and trust of your capacity to be wildly creative in how you live your moments. 
You will get mentoring in learning how to:
Pay attention to the moment
Reconnect with your own inner child self
Reawaken Wonder
Re-activate imagination
Understand an expanded view of the creative process
Learn how the chakras are designed to facilitate the creative process
Weed out your own belief system to manifest alignment
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