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Peace Will Fill the World MP3 Song Download: A World Beyond War

Part Number: PeaceMP3WorldBeyondWar
Price: $0.99
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Back in the late 80's and early 90's while I was entering my heyday as a writer the music was taking on more of an empowerment slant. Songs were bigger and intended to impact congregations on both the personal and the collective level. So, too, in this transitional time, did a host of conscious organizations begin to gather momentum. Because Unity of San Luis Obispo, California was such a happening place, lots of groups would meet there on a regular basis. I was meeting all kinds of people with all kinds of causes.

One such group was Beyond War. Their vision was obvious and hopeful...and one I resonated with. They approached me to create a song...and I did.For whatever reason it never made it beyond the local level of exposure, but I ended up with a song that unfortunately, keeps warranting performance and re-affirmation.

As it was a visionary topic I put in the Third Eye Key of A. It was a strong ballad with a majestic chorus. It was powerful. The verses set the stage for the rising chorus. 

..there can be there will be...a world beyond war...hold on to the vision, till war is no more...

Marching orders, a guidebook to sticking with the process until we got there...this song served a deep yearning in all who heard and sang it. It still resonates and I still sing it often wherever I go.

 Recent esoteric literature channeled via Kryon has indicated that from the early 90's right through 2012 the path was set and moving quickly towards another world war. But the Universal intervention and the sheer numbers of humans who took on the new vibration to separate from the old guard expectation of another big and profitable war, was enough to divert the energies and compromise that energy to clear the path. Though a significant number still hold and invest in the expectation of a nuclear war, the energy of the larger collective has moved on and the threat is no longer a worldwide one. What can happen for those still invested is that they can create a personal inner war/struggle that can compromise/annihilate them, or, at least, move them towards it if they do not wake up to a higher frequency version of themselves. 

So in some ways, this song from the early 90's assisted in bringing about its manifestation. And for that I am so very grateful. In the meantime we sing for the maintenance of the new vibration that is inserting compassion and empathy and compromise into the hearts and minds and actions of all humanity to insure that we are indeed, a world beyond war.
Don’t believe that it won’t happen
Just because it hasn’t yet
It’s filling the world more and more
It’s the vision it’s the dream
It’s the hope for tomorrow
An Earth living free Beyond War
In the hearts and in minds
In the words and in action
It’s healing the world more and more
Growing up growing strong
Flowing out rolling on
Changing us forevermore
             Oh there can be
             A world beyond war
             Hold on to the vision
             Till war is no more
             It’s a bird on the wing
             It’s the song we must sing
             Oh, hold on
             For we’ll soon see a
             World beyond war
Can you  see what will be
A world undivided
With nations  all willing to share
Where they cooperate and
They negotiate
They are peaceful and loving and fair
                            ©1994. Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved.

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12 World Beyond War