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The New Vibration CD Song Download: Kal Akal

Part Number: NewVibrationCDSongDLKalAkal
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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This is a beautiful song I picket along the musical highway. I do not know the composer but I hold the frequency in high esteem and gratitude...wherever you may be. I prefer seeing transformation rather than  the human mixed bag of death. There is always so much more to the form of the moment. When one lifts the veil of religion one is allowed to reconnect with the big picture that aligns with the continuity of life eternal. Beseeching the Hindu Deity, Kali, is a rich tradition that always delivers the energetic goods. We live in the blessed succession of Nows, creating the next moment's form from the juice of this moment. It is in the foundational key of C Major and thus seals out animosity, attack, and death...
A Sanskrit song of transformation. It beseeches Kali to sever the past and let the old ways die. We arise from the choices made thus far.

Kal Akal siri kal
Maha akal Akal a Murat
Kal Akal Siri Kal
Maha Akal akala Murat

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07 Kal Akal