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Translucent You MP3 Song Download: I Love You, I Set You Free

Part Number: TYOUMP3SongDLLoveSetFree
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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Real Love is a flowing process using universal substance, an infinite, inexhaustible resource, by the way. Possession, likely based on past fear-filled experiences, is chains to free flowing Love. Love fully without expectation and allow it to blossom. That blossoming may sometimes mean a profound change, perhaps what appears to be a loss. Not so fast, all forms of the moment align with your own greater good as brought forth by your own Higher Self...just sayin'...

Let Love go if need be. That allows its own blossoming. In that new frequency it just might return to you expanded into the next level...Love squared! Infinite Love is everywhere present. No shortage. Plenty to go around. What is "lost" will arrive again in a new form/package aligned with your current vibrational frequency. We grow in a beautiful spiral as we remember and allow the higher principles of living as human spiritual being. It is the Law...

Contain love in any withers and dies on the vine. This includes running patterns or expectations on another. It includes putting your understanding of Love/personal history on another as the litmus test to prove that you are loveable. Boy do we F*** with one another in the name of love me or else. Love won't be contained.

Love fully each moment. That is a lifetime in itself. Be willing to release, not possess, and let the reflection of your genuineness find you. It is a beautiful dance that responds to your own level of clarity.

This song establishes and rubs in a critical component of conscious loving. Sing it and set your self free...

I love you, I set you free
I love you, I set you free
All you need, all you seek
All you dream
On you I place no limitations
Love can not be made of chains
A flowing, living evolution
Love won’t be contained

      ©1999.Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved.


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