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Wa Taho Song Download

Part Number: WaTahoDL
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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A beautiful and powerful circle dance chant rising from the Zuni Tradition. Wa Taho! is the call for the sun to rise in the morning to bless the lives of its human brethren. Life is calling! Go out into the sun! Feel your feet upon Mother Earth and engage the presence and power of the unified part of you. Mother Earth God, she is would be remiss to not respond. Chant and dance to the movements explained in the manual accompanying the CD, We Circle Around.
Native American chant, Zuni Nation)

Wa taho taho taho
Wa taho taho taho

Wake up arise, life is calling you
Wake up arise, life is greeting you
Mother Earth God, she is calling you
Mother Earth God, she is greeting you

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13 Wa Taho