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Complete Chakra Clearing Throat Chakra Statements Download

Part Number: CCCThroatChakraStatementsDL
Price: $0.99
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These statements are designed to clear and amplify the Throat Chakra. Use them to assist in the clearing of the old doctrine of limitation. The more you use them the more they impact the the deep self, implanting into the subconscious mind. Daily use at least once is highly recommended.


1. I express in and through love and respect.

2.         On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the blockages to my free verbal expression. I set free all energetic residue contained in the unexpressed soundings of any woundings, dishonorings, devaluings I have experienced in all my incarnations. I claim my ability and right to speak and claim my truth. From this moment forward I am free to express in the world.

3.         From the Divine love that flows within my Being, I command that every cell in my body and every vibration of my being align itself in Divine Perfection, for I desire to be All That I Am, I choose to be All that I Am, I Am all That I Am. I claim my identity and my Divine perfection.

4.         Knowing I Am never alone, I choose to call for support, inspiration, and companionship from all my guides, teachers, angelic and etheric beings, seen and unseen.

5.         Realizing the necessity of expressing feelings and ideas I choose to make sure I clear all that is unspoken at the end of the day. I clear and cleanse the energy to reclaim balance before sleep.

6.         My words manifest the forms of my world. Therefore I chose to monitor my expressions in every moment, affirming that what I speak is what I truly intend.

7.         I choose to sing because I love to sing, no matter what anyone, including me, thinks of the “quality” of my voice. My singing brings me joy and clears resistant energies within me. 

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