The forces and influence of culture and society have resulted in beliefs and patterns that truly do not serve the truth of our being. We dutifully call forth the reinforcement to keep the chains to living fully in place. Up until now...
In an ever increasing wave of loving universal energy we are being bathed in opportunity to shake off the disempowering memory of lack...remembering breath by breath, the innocent and tender and awesome I Am. Our songs are springing forth in a collective symphony that has not been heard in eons. And, truthfully, we simply have no choice but to surrender to its call.
Each of us is experiencing a unique rebirth. It can be confusing and chaotic and painful and discouraging. Guidance and support would make all the difference. Someone who has walked through the fire and paid attention to the learnings and carries information because he has listened all along....that would be useful. Someone who has emotional literacy and can process energetic releases with an array of techniques...that would be useful. Someone who believes in you...yes!
Each session is presented and discussed one to one with Mark.