Current Specials and Giveaways
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Part Number: LivingAsIfBookSet

Price: $80.00 $50.00

My dear friend, you are most assuredly at the most important threshold of this or any incarnation. You are at the supreme point of choice. Stay the same and embrace all that that entails, for better or worse…or make the profound leap of faith where nothing makes sense and the world you have known is turned upside down…

Suppose the gift of all you have ever been through is ready to fall into your lap. Suppose there was a way for it to all make sense. Suppose that you could step out of what has been and reclaim the power of wonder and imagination to explore and experience this world and this life and this I Am Self in ways that you have long forgotten. Suppose you could simply make the choice to live now as if you were already whole…no more journeys of frustration, no more seeking, no more failures, no more pressure to be someone else, better, more this and more that. None of that…just a deep experience of you in a magical kingdom called Earth.

Suppose you could live now as if you were already whole. What might happen? What might your life be like? What might you be? Well….do you want to find out? Are you ready to act as if you have it? Are you ready to start thinking, believing, moving, being in a decidedly higher frequency just to see what will unfold? Intrigued? I bet you are…so let’s get more information because it is time for you to make a decision!

Volumes 1-4 Set shipped

Volumes 1-4 PDF Downloads

Current Song Giveaway
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Periodically I will give a song away for a free download. I am intentional about getting my music out to a larger audience. Please download it and also share it with as many people as you would like. When you do share it please include the link where they can experience more samples and free music and also explore all the other elements of my music and support services. 

Click this link to go to the Listen to Mark's Music page at

Free Samples
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Current Special Offers
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Here you will find all of the latest current sale offerings. Click on each to explore it make the limited time purchase. Thank you in advance for your support of my creations

Giving and Receiving Circle
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Here in March of 2020 so much has changed in such a short time. The world is impacted. Doors are closing and the reliable is anything but. For artists and musicians there are unique elements unfolding. Calendars of bookings are on shaky ground at best. Gigs already booked will be looked at as the days move forward. Uncertainty (calendar wise) is the new norm.
As a performing songwriter, writer, and facilitator/speaker my work involves sharing with people, groups of people, often large groups of people. With lock downs the norm in California my solid calendar has turned into a what if. So be it...there is not much I can do about that until we evolve through this current form to see what reveals itself.
In response I am bumping up online action in social media to increase exposure, but mostly, in these early days, choosing to offer resources as free gifts to assist in the transition from what was to what is becoming. My intent is that giving free musical and informational resources out will grow my contacts and drive some new interest to the many tools I offer. And it will show great faith to the spirit of expansion and human connection and growing Oneness that I believe is the bigger picture of this form we find our world undergoing. We help one another with insights and perspectives and tools and music and ideas and ways to navigate the forms of the now. It is what we do...give to life.
I have been writing and recording now that I am not pulled by preparation for travel. Many things I have had on the list are being moved forward and growing towards fruition and availability. It is exciting to say the least.
And, at the same time, the money stream to support the personal obligations to run the studio and put the gas in the car and buy the food and create the new CDs and books has been interrupted. I am confident that my efforts will deliver new interest and income flow.
If you have been moved, inspired, healed, had your heart opened, or were reminded of the magnificent truth of your being through the music, books, classes, workshops, mentorings, or events I have created, then here is an opportunity to give back. Your gifts will go a long way in helping me to manifest the vibrational support to best complement the inner and outer changes of these times on this planet. In advance, I am so grateful for your monetary gifts as they buy me the moments to make that which will serve you on deep levels in the days to come. Endless blessings upon you...”
So, I  have developed a variety of ways that you can gift in appreciation of his music. They are at a number of levels that suit your own unique situation. In addition, each gift will bring you a gift as well. The flow is vital to affirming the benevolent Universe and the application of Universal Law on our day to day human level. Please consider one of the following options...and then click the link to put your gift into motion. 
 In deep gratitude, I send blessings...Mark Stanton Welch

If your giving amount is not found below and you have your own preferred amount there are several options:
1. Send a check to Mark Welch PO Box 1331 Cambria CA 93428
2. Call me at 805.927.2416 to do the transaction with me over the phone…and have a chat at the same time.
Gift Certificate
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Sometimes the best gift is to support someone in creating their own musical collection. A gift certificate allows them to choose and build their collection at their own leisure. These gift certificates are in varying amounts and have no expiration date. These make great holiday, birthday, or just-because gifts. Give the gift of high vibrational music today. These can also be used towards mentorings, trainings, subscriptions and classes.