Life flows whether we allow it or resist it. That choice can easily create our own personal heaven or hell. Becoming aware of that flow will make a profound difference in how life shows up for you as well as how you respond. Becoming conscious of all that is going on will allow you to slide into the ever moving channel of high frequency and experience no resistance. In this unique conference call mini class we will explore 12 topics to create a working understanding of how to make life flow more fluidly for us. Integrating with the natural opens up a panorama of assistance built into the Earthly design. It is there for the embracing. Come ride the wave
Class starts in March 2024.. Follow the link below left to learn more about the experience and the adventure.
Then return here and join the class by clicking the Add to Cart button and following the prompts. You will be sent the appropriate links as the first class approaches.
Here are the 12 focus topics for the class:
1. The Nature of Cycles and Rhythms 2. The Seasons 3. The Daily Cycle 4. The Flow of Emotion 5. The Organ Cycle 6. The Breath and the Heartbeat 7. Brainwaves 8. Body Systems and Biorhythms 9. Solar, Lunar, and Galactic Rhythms 10. The Rhythm of the Chakras 11. Conscious Celebration of Holidays 12. Birth, Life, and Death