When I joined Unity Churches in 1989, becoming Music Director in 1991, I began writing songs on a self-empowerment, spiritual slant. As the director I was also responsible for the congregational songs at the beginning and interspersed throughout the Sunday Service. As each Sunday had a theme, I usually spent the night before when I returned from working in clubs writing the song(s) for that mornings' focus. As I had a 30 mile drive from Cambria to San Luis Obispo I often had short little songs pop into my head that supported the morning theme. When I got to the church I would put them to music and we would sing them together.
When I started sharing music in conference and rally settings with the youth, adults, and ministers, I began to see how easily these affirmative songs could be taught and sung and enjoyed. I started calling them Intentional Songs. When I studied Sound Healing I became aware of the use and power of Chants and Mantras. Seems I had stumbled upon a long standing/utilized sound tool and given it an energetic update .These have become a significant part of my musical repertoire.
These songbooks are a collection of some of them. Another set of songbooks are in the making. They consist of the lyric with chords and a melody line, everything the musician would need to use them effectively. Additionally, I have linked each song to a sample on my website to hear how I would play it. The songbooks, Volume 1 and 2, are the best way to get over a hundred Intentional Songs that cover almost every topic that would arise during a Sunday Morning Service.
Additionally, these are not just Sunday morning spiritual songs. The use of any "trigger words" is limited so they can be used for workshops, campfires, presentation, etc.Enjoy the expanse of simple, singable, positive, and empowering songs contained in this and the companion volume.
Here is a list of the songs contained in Volume Two: