Youth Empowerment Series CDs As a Fourth Grade classroom teacher in a Paso Robles, California, for almost 20 years I learned a lot about myself as well as the many children I was privileged to facilitate along the way. I taught in the very school where I went as a boy. learned quickly that I was there to heal some old wounds and learn to champion the revolutionary idea of self-esteem that burst forth in the late seventies and through the 80's. Every day I was a witness to the magnificent beings before me. Music was a regular part of our afternoon routine and I also played music through the week in a variety of local clubs.  As I started to take my music out to others all over the country, I began to see how short, repetitive messages in chant form had an empowering capacity to not only feed the mind, but also assist in clearing a lot of old energetic wounding. This category reflects lots of creations that have fed thousands of children of all ages. The new generations are very high frequency beings. It is our task as adults to assist in keeping their inner knowing intact so they can flower into the powerful ones they are...destined to help this world rise out of the old limited thinking and believing prison. Use these recordings to assist your children as well as your self. Doing so will slow down your aging...honest!
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Part Number: YouthEmpowerOneUSBFlashBundle

Price: $35.00

Youth Empowerment One USB Flash Drive Bundle

Songs that affirm life and support youth of all ages in remembering who they truly are. They are like affirmations that assist in reawakening the gifts that each child holds by design.

Part Number: YERBeLoveSeeLoveCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
A brand new (2018) collection of songs I have written for group events, geared more towards teens and young adults..
Part Number: SASCompleteChakraClearing

Price: $16.00 $12.99
This Sound Alchemy Series CD addresses the health and maintenance of the seven in body chakras. Each chakra receives a toned phonetic at a specific pitch, an intentional chant to sing, and a series of empowering, affirmative statements over a drone of environmental music. Can be utilized in one 80 minute setting or accessed as individual chakra treatments.
Part Number: SH1Chants

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Chants CD is a collection of ethnic and original chants, used to shift the patterns of thinking and instill a new vibration. Each is 5 minutes long and can be used as a meditative process as well. Strong Native American and hindu influence. Voice and guitar and some rhythm instruments. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: C3Simple

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Simple Living CD is a best of collection of the songs I would use when working with groups children of all ages. Easy to learn and fun to use. Well received by all.
Part Number: YERLifeGoodCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Life IS Good CD is a collection of chant-like repeating songs that carry positive, life-affirming messages that children of all ages love . Each song reminds them of the magnificence of their true selves. I use these songs wherever I go. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: YouthEmpB2Resource

Price: $97.00
Package Two: Youth Empowerment Resource Pack
14 MP3 CDs and 2 Songbooks with Reference USB MP3 CDs for $97
Part Number: M1BuildDreams

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Building My Field of Dreams CD supports the process of manifestation. It was created for an Adults of Unity Retreat during the early 2000's. All songs focus on creating the life that you want through inner and outer work. A great companion to Heart's Desire and There's Plenty for All. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: YERHelloWorldCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Hello World CD is a collection of songs created for supporting self-esteem in children. Created when I left behind my 14 year elementary school teaching career, the music is an assembly I took out to schools with my wife, Erin Noble. They have made a difference in the inner and outer lives of many children. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: AppreciationCeremonyCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Collection of songs to support a ceremony of appreciation called the Angel Wash, wherein individuals walk between two parallel lines with eyes closed and hear appreciations whispered in each ear.
Part Number: MusicSequencesforYouthOne

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Consists of 4 sets of 5 songs each from previously released recordings. The sets follow a programmed movement through a new thought, self-empowering theme. Very useful for Sunday morning church classes.
Part Number: G7PureLove

Price: $16.00 $10.00
Pure Love is a collection of songs that address the health and well being of Planet Earth. For many years, I was a regular participant in Earth Day ceremonies. These songs are the songs written to present with my then wife, Erin Noble. Sadly, most are still relevant 20 years after they were written. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: MusicSequencesforYouthTwo

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Consists of 4 sets of 5 songs each from previously released recordings. The sets follow a programmed movement through a new thought, self-empowering theme. Very useful for Sunday morning church classes.
Part Number: MusicSequencesforYouthThree

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Consists of 4 sets of 5 songs each from previously released recordings. The sets follow a programmed movement through a new thought, self-empowering theme. Very useful for Sunday morning church classes.
Part Number: ThemeIThatIsMeCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Theme Series CD for Self Esteem, The I That Is Me
Part Number: WeCircleAroundCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
A Collection of chants to be used for Community Spiritual Dances. The dance steps can be downloads as a PDF booklet at
Part Number: M2PlentyforAll

Price: $16.00 $12.99
There's Plenty for All CD supports the idea of prosperity and abundance. Every song address key elements in the process of bringing that which you desire into your life.
Part Number: ThemeThunderSilenceCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Theme Series CD supporting development of personal power, Thunder of Silence
Part Number: YER12PowersCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
I was asked to provide musical support for an Adults of Unity Conference in 2000 titled, Passion Power and Purpose. I penned these songs and they were a hit. I have gotten a great deal of use from them ever since. Download the complete CD as MP3s, delivered in zip file format. You can easily extract the MP3 songs in Windows and Mac. You can also download individual songs. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: YERWiseChildCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Wise Child CD supports the book of the same name by Sonia Choquette. The songs take key points and weave them into your spirit in fun, singable ways. They will assist you in reawakening your inner child access to activate your intuitive gifts. Can be used to support family intuitive awareness and connections as well. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: YERYouHavePowerCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
You Have the Power CD is the sequel to the Life Is Good CD of music for children of all ages. As I traveled and worked aith children at camps and retreats and conferences these songs kept coming. I use them with adults as well. They are singable, easy to learn, and carry life affirming messages. Click the CD pic or title for more information.