Sound Alchemy Resources Sound Alchemy is the process of intentionally influencing the vibration and frequency of sound for the purpose of raising vibration to a state of resonance, harmony, and balance. Alchemy precipitates change. It intends to assist in the clearing of residual toxic, low vibration debris within the physical and  energetic bodies to clarify and balance the personal vibration. The alchemical process involves intention, pitched sound, voice, toning, chant, mantra, rhythm, and sound tools (such as quartz bowls, Tibetan bowls, rattles, bells, gongs, drums, tuning forks, and more).

In this category you will discover specific application of the Sound Alchemy principles in recorded classes and treatments. You will also find specific sound tool packages and specials that will assist you in balancing your vibration and bringing you back into your Frequency of Wholeness. You will find a year's worth of Chakra Balancing Sessions that include not only the traditional in-body chakras, but also the backside applications, the newly re-discovered External Chakras, and the External Spiritual points revealed in the amazing work of Cyndi Dale. You can have access to sessions on External Boundary Care, Maintaining Your Center during the Holidays, and more. New session recordings will be added regularly.

It is time to consciously maintain your personal vibration to give you in the now access to your Whole Self. Let these tools serve that end. Enjoy the exploration.

As your Experience and interest grows you may be open to going deeper. Click the following links to explore the possibilities. 

Sound Waves Inner Mystery School

Personal Treatments to Support the Reclamation of Your True Vibration

A Variety of Music to Support Your Frequency of Wholeness

The Co-Creation of Your Personal Song

Healing Music Musician Mentoring
This category contains 58 products and 1 subcategories.
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Part Number: 2024HolidayEnergyBalancePackageShip

Price: $67.00
Creating an energetic balance is foundational to living consciously. The demands of the holiday season in particular can scatter our focus and disrupt our deeper feelings of balance. Our energy gets compromised and we become less connected in body and mind. There are energetic tools that can shift this potential and deliver us back to being solid on the earth, in body. This specially priced holiday package contains 7 tools to help you find your clear place: Solid on the Earth E-Book, Solid on the Earth companion CD, Complete Chakra Clearing CD, Serene Soul CD, Chakra Rhythms CD, Holiday Energy Maintenance Session Call MP3 Recording, and the How-to Article: Cutting Energetic Cords. Put these in motion and you can cruise through whatever the holidays may bring. And, they will serve you far beyond this season in your moments of living as well. Be your higher vibration, order this  powerful and useful download right now. 
Part Number: 2924EnergyBalancePackageDL

Price: $47.00
Creating an energetic balance is foundational to living consciously. The demands of the holiday season in particular can scatter our focus and disrupt our deeper feelings of balance. Our energy gets compromised and we become less connected in body and mind. There are energetic tools that can shift this potential and deliver us back to being solid on the earth, in body. This specially priced holiday package contains 7 tools to help you find your clear place: Solid on the Earth E-Book download, Solid on the Earth companion CD download, Complete Chakra Clearing CD download, Serene Soul CD download, Chakra Rhythms CD download, Holiday Energy Maintenance Session Call MP3 Recording, and the How-to Article: Cutting Energetic Cords. Put these in motion and you can cruise through whatever the holidays may bring. And, they will serve you far beyond this season in your moments of living as well. Be your higher vibration, order this  powerful and useful download right now. 

Also available as shipped package
Part Number: 2024HolidaySA3FoundationSuperBDL

Price: $288.00 $167.00
2024 Holiday Special Sound Alchemy Bundle Three: Sound Alchemy Foundation Super Bundle Downloads
Part Number: 2024holidaySABundle2SuperChakraDL

Price: $145.00 $87.00
Sound Alchemy Bundle Two: Super Chakra Clearing Set Downloads only
Part Number: 2024HolidaySABOneShip

Price: $57.00
Chants and mantras have been used for thousands of years to influence the vibration of the current moment, to clear the mind of patterns of thinking, to set a spiritual intention in motion, and to beseech support from a particular deity. Intentional songs have been a recent creation born from the necessity to create short, life affirming positive songs to be sung by groups at Sunday services and retreats and events. Here is a powerful bundle of 6 CDs to allow you to experience the frequency of each genre. 
Part Number: 2024HolidaySABundle1DL

Price: $60.00 $40.00
Chants and mantras have been used for thousands of years to influence the vibration of the current moment, to clear the mind of patterns of thinking, to set a spiritual intention in motion, and to beseech support from a particular deity. Intentional songs have been a recent creation born from the necessity to create short, life affirming positive songs to be sung by groups at Sunday services and retreats and events. Here is a powerful bundle of 6 CDs to allow you to experience the frequency of each genre. 
Part Number: MusiciansGuideEbook

Price: $30.00 $25.00
This course is an invitation for you to immerse yourself in the vibration that will engage you to create high frequency music that heals the listener at a cellular level. The tools and techniques are laid out for you to use what you choose and allow that choice to inspire and lead you to even new awareness, new understanding, and new application. 
Part Number: ChakraCarePDFDL

Price: $30.00 $20.00
Our chakra system is a primary foundational element of our energy anatomy. It serves as a cosmic framework upon which our physical body home draws life force and receives guidance and nurturing. TO learn about the chakras and how they interface so completely with the human journey is a choice to enter a profound relationship between you and the ever oscillating life force. This book is a deep exploration into how we are made up. Nothing is as it seems. We are guided and regulated by our chakra system. It is time to learn about it and put yourself back on your own energetic high frequency track. The Guidebook for Evolving Chakra Care will do that...and oh, so much more. 
Part Number: SeasonalSelfCareSeriesSubscriptionBundle

Price: $160.00 $110.00
The Seasonal Self Care Series Bundle Subscriptions gets you the resource package for each of the Seasons delivered one at a time to your inbox on the Solstice and the Equinox. Align with the unique and powerful energies of each season and consciously learn to access and utilize specific elements to help you create inner and outer harmony with the season. You will receive each bundle on the day the next season arrives.

Available only as a download series.
Part Number: GuidebookChakra

Price: $35.00 $25.00
Our chakra system is a primary foundational element of our energy anatomy. It serves as a cosmic framework upon which our physical body home draws life force and receives guidance and nurturing. TO learn about the chakras and how they interface so completely with the human journey is a choice to enter a profound relationship between you and the ever oscillating life force. This book is a deep exploration into how we are made up. Nothing is as it seems. We are guided and regulated by our chakra system. It is time to learn about it and put yourself back on your own energetic high frequency track. The Guidebook for Evolving Chakra Care will do that...and oh, so much more. 
Part Number: MusicianGuideHealMusic

Price: $30.00 $25.00
This course is an invitation for you to immerse yourself in the vibration that will engage you to create high frequency music that heals the listener at a cellular level. The tools and techniques are laid out for you to use what you choose and allow that choice to inspire and lead you to even new awareness, new understanding, and new application. 
Part Number: GuidebookChakraCareDL

Price: $135.00 $90.00
Get the just released book, The Guide for Evolving Chakra Care, and a very special Sound Alchemy Healing Package Special combined for a solid foundation in working with the chakras to create clarity and balance. This includes the downloadable PDF book and the downloadable 11 MP3 CDs. Explore the Sound Alchemy Healing Package here 

his superb download package can be purchased for a package price of $90
Part Number: CCCCompleteMP3DLDL

Price: $9.99
Download the Complete Chakra Clearing CD as a MP3 in zip file form. Unzip the file and place in the folder of your choice for play or insertion into an MP3 player such as iPod
Part Number: SH4Root

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Chakra Balancing: Root Chakra CD is the first in an immersion series for each of the seven main chakras. Use this to create and support a strong foundation, grounded in your body to the earth. Filled with specific frequencies, affirmations, invocations to Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Elohim, chants, mantras, and songs. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: ChakraClearRootCompleteMP3DL

Price: $9.99
The first in the ground breaking series of Chakra Immersion CDs that focus entirely on one chakra at a time. They are powerful and effective in clearing, aligning, empowering, and maintaining the chakra though song, mantra, invocation, rhythm, chant, sound frequency, and spoken word. Root Chakra address the foundation of our energetic bodies, bringing you back into balance.
Part Number: FreeRootCall

Price: $0.00
For over two years I offered free Chakra Clearing Calls once a month. We would cycle through the in-body chakras, addressing each with information, sound, chant, word, and intentional song. Here is a complete one hour call addressing the Root Chakra so that you can get a sense of what the calls were about and just how powerful they were...
Part Number: SacralChakraCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Second in the ground-breaking Chakra Immersion Series, this Sacral Chakra CD addresses the issues unique to this potent and expansive chakra. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: PersonalOriginalSong

Price: $250.00
Let me write and record an original song just for you at this time of your life. Click to explore what is involved.
Part Number: SacralChakraCompleteMP3DL

Price: $9.99
Second CD in the ground-breaking Chakra Immersion Series. Use this Sacral Chakra CD to clear, align, and maintain the second, or sacral, chakra. Powerful and effective.
Part Number: SASolarPlexusCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Chakra Balancing: Solar Plexus Chakra CD is the third in an immersion series for each of the seven main chakras. Use this to activate pure power, increase decision into action choices, work with anger, judgment, and criticism, and empower your self. Filled with specific frequencies, affirmations, invocations to Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Elohim, chants, mantras, and songs. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: SolarPlexusMP3DL

Price: $9.99
Chakra Balancing:Solar Plexus Chakra CD is the third in an immersion series for each of the seven main chakras. Use this to activate pure power, increase decision into action choices, work with anger, judgment, and criticism, and empower your self. Filled with specific frequencies, affirmations, invocations to Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Elohim, chants,mantras, and songs. Click the CD pic or title for more information.
Part Number: SARCompChakraClearCD

Price: $16.00 $12.99
This Sound Alchemy Series CD addresses the health and maintenance of the seven in body chakras. Each chakra receives a toned phonetic at a specific pitch, an intentional chant to sing, and a series of empowering, affirmative statements over a drone of environmental music. Can be utilized in one 80 minute setting or accessed as individual chakra treatments.
Part Number: SoundAlchemyChakraRhythms

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Each in-body chakra has a frequency. That frequency can be represented by a rhythm. These seven rhythms are aligned with the seven in-body chakras. Use them to dance yourself into energetic alignment.
Part Number: ChakraRhythmsCompleteCDMP3DL

Price: $9.99
Clear and empower the all the chakras while moving and dancing to these rhythms
Part Number: I2ChakraMinor

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Chakra Moods Minor CD is a collection of instrumentals created to effect the chakras in a relaxing way. Use them to bring calmness and inner focus and reflection.
Exploring the Chakras
This subcategory contains 41 products and 0 subcategories.
The human body is a vibrating energy form composed of oscillating cells, energy meridians, energy bodies, and chakra centers. Understanding the anatomy allows you to expand your awareness and understanding of physical, emotional, and mental dis-ease (energetic blockage). This opens up all kinds of possibilities in the realm of healing one's issues on multiple levels. Each one of these CDs addresses special elements of chakra care. The wise one choose to tend the chakras, paying attention to sensations, blockages, conditions that can develop when one interferes with the body's natural capacity to clear and clean. Storing energy through conscious or unconscious choice starts to back up the systems and the chakras. These thematic energy portals are very informational and are aligned with specific frequencies of healthy balance. Use the CDs to maintain chakra health. The Chakra Immersions Series of CDs are particularly powerful in assisting the focused clearing and alignment of that energy center. Chakras one and two are complete with three and four nearing completion as well. Eventually, all seven in body chakras will be available for a complete set. Adding external chakras, the back side of each in body chakra, and the external spiritual points will give you a cutting edge set of musical and energetic tools with which you can clear and maintain your energetic field, within and without. Start exploring this Sound Alchemy tool specifically focused on Chakra Care.