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NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
NW60: Unlocking the Power of the Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Solutions for Recurrent Infections and Fertility (self study)
PW57: How Highs Hurt Your Heart (self study)
NW59: Intestinal Barrier Disruption and the Emergence of Cardiometabolic Endotoxemia (self study)
NW58: Pulse on Prevention: The Critical Link Between ACEs and Heart Disease (self study)
NW57: Eat Your Heart Out: Evidence-Based Tools to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (self study)
[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
2024 Conference: Cardiometabolic Health (self study)
NW56: Insulin Resistance or Genetic Resistance? Altering Genes to Modify Insulin Pathways (self study)
2020 Conference - New Frontiers in Naturopathic Medicine (self study)
2020 Conference - New Frontiers in Naturopathic Medicine (self study) Storefront > Self-Study CNDA Conferences

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2020 Conference - New Frontiers in Naturopathic Medicine (self study)
Price: $275.00
Status: Available

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CNDA 2020 Conference 

Originally presented: FEB. 28 - MARCH 1, 2020

New Frontiers in Naturopathic Medicine

CNDA Members & Members of other State Associations: Use coupon code member at checkout for member pricing.

10.5 CEs  (7.25 gen, 3.25 pharm)

Dr. Brendan Cochran, ND
Dr. Jill Crista, ND
Dr. Laurie Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH
Dr. Paul Epstein, ND
Dr. Thalia Farshchian, ND

Dr. Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc

Dr. Brenden Cochran, ND

The Treatment Equation of Regenerative Medicine: Where we are now and where are we going Part 1

The challenge of aging is that we either don’t want it to happen or we want to age gracefully. This has created a booming desire to turn back the clock; driving a staggering growth in the field of regenerative medicine that encompasses pain, hormones, beauty, sexual enhancements, and cell based therapies. In medicine, this pushes the development of cutting-edge therapies that was initially viewed as the “cure all”.  However, for maximal results, it is critical to stick to a framework with any treatments by using a treatment equation.  This equation organizes us as physicians to understand the many new tools and the limitations, but also not to forget that the individualized, multi dynamic approach we often call holism must not be forgotten.
In this first part of this 2-part presentation a review of the current tools and treatments will be reviewed including: Ozone, Perineural, PRP, PRC, Cell Based Therapies and Peptides.  An overview of the applications in pain, aesthetics and sexual medicine will be provided. Also, time will be spent on the ethics and legalities of the therapies including misuse of terminology “Stem Cell”. The treatment equation will be discussed how it is utilized it in clinical practice to improve efficacy and establish therapeutic order. 

After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:
1) To differentiate the different therapies, appropriate applications and therapeutic order.
2) To determine importance of proper diagnosis for the success of the therapy’s efficacy.
3) To establish a framework (the treatment equation) for approaching and treating different conditions.
4) Understand proper terminology for “Stem Cell”.
5) Understand the medical, ethical and safety considerations in regenerative medicine.

PART 2: 
The Treatment Equation of Regenerative Medicine: Where we are now and where are we going Part 2
Presentation Description:
In the second part of this 2-part presentation, the focus will be spent on integration of the treatment equation: how the tools fit with method and skills to get results.  Focus will be spent on organizing tools and the best ways to maximize the terrain for best results.  Case(s) will be reviewed to illustrate this strategy. Finally, there will be a discussion on the future of regenerative medicine and how we should position ourselves.
After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:
1) Map out the treatment equation for regenerative therapies.
2) Organize our tools for best efficacy in regenerative medicine.
3) Review the application through a case(s) presentation.
4) Give direction for the future of regenerative medicine.

Dr. Jill Crista, ND

Toxic Bloom - Managing Mold-Related Illness
Part 1

Build your mold literacy. Mold-related illness is on the rise, but is commonly missed because it’s hard to identify. And sometimes, even when they know it’s mold, patients run away from the problem because it seems insurmountable. Take charge of mold. Prepare yourself to meet your next mold patient with open arms and many tools. Gain confidence in your mold assessments and treatment plans. Understand the mechanisms behind the symptoms, so you can individualize the plan for your patient, and respond dynamically to changes along their healing path. Restore hope and healing for your patients struggling with mold-related illness by building your own mold literacy.

After the presentations, participants will be able to confidently:
1. Understand the mechanisms of mold related illness.
2. Learn how to recognize mold symptoms.
3. Know how and when to test for mold.
4. Understand the limitations of current tests.

Toxic Bloom - Managing Mold-Related Illness 
Part 2

The second presentation will allow you to gain confidence in your mold assessments and treatment plans. We will discuss the mechanisms behind mold symptoms, so you can individualize the plan for your patient, and respond dynamically to changes along their healing path. You will restore hope and healing for your patients struggling with mold-related illness by building your own mold literacy. You will leave feeling empowered to help your patients navigate and heal from mold related illnesses.
After the presentations, participants will be able to confidently:
1. Learn an effective therapeutic order for mold-related illness.
2. Identify the treatments to consider for mycotoxicosis.
3. Understand the rationale for both systemic and intranasal antifungal treatment.
4. Gain tools to individualize the treatment plan to your patient.

Dr. Paul Epstein, ND

Trauma Informed Care: Understanding and Addressing Trauma in the Treatment of Chronic Disease and Pain – How Biography Becomes Biology
Dis-ease tells a story, not just of the cells (biology) but of the self (biography).  We need to listen to, and integrate, both stories in our clinical care.
Trauma and stress are contributing factors in illness. The latest research is confirming and expanding on this idea in ways that can, and should, revolutionize our treatment approach.
Research into the impact of trauma on pain and disease reveals a deeper relationship than previously recognized. Adverse childhood events (ACEs), chronic stress and various types of trauma are increasingly implicated in chronic diseases and health challenges.  Biography can and does influence our biology. There is a growing realization of importance of effectively and skillfully integrating this knowledge into the practice of medicine.  When we ignore trauma, we miss a potentially powerful healing opportunity.
After the presentations, participants will be able to confidently:
  • Gain a working knowledge of the latest research into the impact of stress (and our response to it) in health and disease.
  • Gain a working knowledge of the theory, latest research and available resources on the impact of childhood trauma in adult disease, including an understanding of what qualifies as “trauma.”
  • Understand how working with stress and trauma fits into the spectrum of an integrative, whole-person approach to treating any health challenges.

PART 2: 
Presentation Title: Clinical Application – Trauma Recovery as a Part of Healing Pain and Disease

In the second presentation, Dr. Epstein will explain the theories and current research regarding how biography becomes biology, describe an effective process for “connecting the cell and the self” in clinical practice and discuss various modalities of safe trauma recovery that can be integrated into our treatment approach.
The essence of these two presentations is that in our approach to treatment, there is a need to heal the biography and cure the biology – emphasizing that it is not either or, we need both. In fact, when we heal the biography, often we unlock the cure (by finding a missing puzzle piece) for the biology.
After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:
  • Learn practical therapeutic techniques for incorporating the treatment of stress, childhood trauma, and other types of trauma in clinical care.
  • Define and explore “narrative medicine” as a modality for healing the patient’s biography (which will add missing pieces to their ‘chronic disease puzzle’) to support curing their biology.
  • Clarify the difference between acknowledging the role of biography in the disease process VS blaming the patient for creating their illness. I will clearly explain how and why acknowledging and exploring a patient’s biography as part of an integrative approach to treating chronic disease is an empowering and liberating experience that enhances treatment effectiveness.
  • Learn 8 Keys for Safe Trauma Recovery.
  • Determine when to refer patients for deeper Trauma Recovery Work to support their healing process
Dr. Laurie Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH

Scientifically Sound Study Designs Permissive of Personalized Medicine 

The limitations of the double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial study design will be discussed. Attendees will learn key research concepts relevant to data interpretation: pragmatic vs. explanative research, objective measures vs. patient-reported outcomes, and traditional vs. clinical epidemiology. The role and use of placebo in practice and research will be discussed. Alternative study designs, such as positive deviance and n-of-1 trials, will be proposed. Opportunities for physicians to participate in practice-based research will be made available.

At the end of the presentation, attendees will be able to confidently:
  • Patient-reported outcomes and the shift toward patient-centered research.
  • The evolving role of the placebo from contaminant to therapeutic tool.
  • Study designs that do not require placebo, such as the positive deviance model, n-of-1 trials, and practice-based research.
PART 2: Lifestyle Modification as a Disease Modifying Therapy

Presentation Description:
Over 2000 people with parkinsonism (PwP) were surveyed and a number of lifestyle variables were clearly associated with PD progression. This review will describe foods, supplements, pharmaceuticals, exercise, and socio-economic variables associated with faster/ slower accumulation of PD symptoms. There is evidence that daily exercise, a plant & fish-based diet, friends, and use of intranasal glutathione, rasagiline, fish oil, coenzyme Q10, or curcumin/ turmeric as medicines was associated with the accumulation of fewer symptoms over time. Recommendations for how to package and deliver lifestyle modification to PwP will be addressed.
Upon completion of this talk, participants will be familiar with:
  • Distinguish between therapeutic goals: optimizing function of existing structures, neuronal regeneration, and patient-reported perceptions.
  • Variables associated with accelerated/ reduced symptoms of parkinsonism over time.
  • Consider the risks and benefits of symptom tracking and transparency between clinics.
Dr. Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc

Mental Health Supplement Updates

Anxiety and depression are major reasons patients visit their medical doctors. Way too often, patients are given drugs which not only do not address the underlying concerns, but also contribute to further worsening of these conditions. While some remedies are well known for these conditions, a few supplements are relatively unheard of, yet quite effective. In this talk, Dr. Bongiorno will review the overall naturopathic view and treatment for these mental health conditions. In this context, he will focus on the newer supplemental choices: lithium, CBD oil, apocynum venetum, rosmarinic acid, carnosine, and also give research evidence and clinical experience for use of saffron, curcumin, and berberines. These are supplements that are not as well-known for mental health, but still excellent to help a patient move back to center when properly used. This is Dr. Bongiorno’s yearly update of what every naturopathic doctor needs to know to treat mental health disorders.

After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:
1. Review naturopathic principles on how to treat anxiety and depression with sleep, exercise, foods, digestion, inflammation, mitochondrial work, adrenal stress, and basic supplementation.
2. Review the newest and most relevant supplements for anxiety and depression.
3. Learn the history, usage, and evidence based research of lithium, CBD oil, saffron, and many other herbs.


How Ketamine Can Teach Us About Using Natural Medicines for Depression
Presentation Description:
Ketamine is well known to be the quickest acting anti-depressant, with profound effects after 40 minutes. While helpful, it is also known that ketamine has significant toxicity and questionable duration of effect. Mounting research shows many natural compounds that may affect the body’s biochemistry in a way that can mimic the positive effects of ketamine.
Dr. Peter Bongiorno will explain the mechanisms of ketamine action, and review the animal and clinical research showing the use of lifestyle modifications, supplements and Chinese herbs that can have similar effects to ketamine.  He will also touch on how genetic predisposition, toxic exposure from environmental toxins and products of internal processes (such as beta amyloid, glutamate and quinolic acid) can effect these pathways.  The attendee will leave with novel and specific knowledge of natural medicine recommendations that Dr. Bongiorno finds effective in his patients to heal depression.
After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:
 1. Review the efficacy and toxicity of ketamine to treat depression.
2. Learn the mechanisms of ketamine to relieve depression.
3. Learn which natural remedies (lifestyle, foods, supplements, herbals) that can mimic ketamine’s mechanisms.
4. Learn how to use natural remedies in combination to create ketamine-like effects to relieve depression.

Dr. Thalia Farshchian, ND

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Diagnostic Work-Up and Treatment Part 1

Presentation Description:
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is a condition in which mast cells release histamine and other substances involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions, which result in a complex of seemingly unrelated symptoms. In this presentation, we will discuss the symptoms, conditions, triggers, and how to diagnose MCAS.  
Goals and Objectives:
After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:
1.) Understand the mechanisms of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
2.) Identify associated conditions and triggers.
3.) Understand the diagnostic criteria of MCAS.
4.) Utilize MMP-9 as a tool in the diagnosis and management of MCAS.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Diagnostic Work-Up and Treatment Part 2

Presentation Description:
In this second presentation, we will discuss way to support patients who are suffering from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. We will discuss ways to modify their diet, which pharmaceuticals to consider, and which supplements to recommend to reduce the occurrence of MCAS. Finally, we will discuss some environmental interventions that can prevent the occurrence and support the body of patients with MCAS. 
Goals and Objectives:
1.) Understand how to use dietary and nutritional interventions to support patients with MCAS.
2.) Understand how to recommend pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals to support patients with MCAS.
3.) Understand how to use environmental medicine to support patients with MCAS.