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NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
NW60: Unlocking the Power of the Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Solutions for Recurrent Infections and Fertility (self study)
PW57: How Highs Hurt Your Heart (self study)
NW59: Intestinal Barrier Disruption and the Emergence of Cardiometabolic Endotoxemia (self study)
NW58: Pulse on Prevention: The Critical Link Between ACEs and Heart Disease (self study)
NW57: Eat Your Heart Out: Evidence-Based Tools to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (self study)
[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
2024 Conference: Cardiometabolic Health (self study)
NW56: Insulin Resistance or Genetic Resistance? Altering Genes to Modify Insulin Pathways (self study)
MM16: Integrative Neuro-Psychology: Evidence Based Natural Medicine Solutions for Mental Health Disorders
MM16: Integrative Neuro-Psychology: Evidence Based Natural Medicine Solutions for Mental Health Disorders Storefront > Self-Study CNDA Conferences
MM16: Integrative Neuro-Psychology: Evidence Based Natural Medicine Solutions for Mental Health Disorders
Price: $350.00
Status: Available

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Continuing Education Credits
13.25 hours of general CE credits & 2.0 pharmacy CEs for California Naturopathic Doctors (15.25 CEs total)
15.25 CEs for LAcs - self-study, 15.25

Original date of conference: March 2014

Pricing: $350 non-members and $275 members: members, use your member coupon code at checkout
> Download .wmv files if you have a PC, or the .mp4 files if you have a Mac
> Receive your CE Certificate of completion by clicking the link contained within one of the document downloads.
> Lecture slides are in the PDF conference eBook.

Conference Description - March 14 - 16, 2014, Berkeley CA
MM16 will explore an integrative approach to the managements of neuro-psychiatric conditions and mental health disorders. More and more patients are interested in a holistic approach to their mental health condition rather than the conventional poly-pharmacy and symptom-masking approach that is often offered. Studies have shown that depression, anxiety, dementia, ADHD and traumatic brain injury are influenced by diet, hormones and biochemical reactions in the body. Naturopathic doctors and holistic care providers who attend our conference will be able to successfully identify the cause of mental health disorders and effectively treat them using specialized testing, dietary interventions, integrative medicine and cost-effective evidence based natural medicines. Natural medicines, pharmacological treatments and counseling approaches will be presented in detail. Numerous case studies and detailed treatment plans will be provided by each presenter. Please join us for our 16th Merging Medicine conference to learn how to incorporate the latest evidence based integrative interventions into your practice.

Dr. Paul Anderson, ND 
Methylation and Its Role in Neuropsychiatry: How to Deal with Depression, Sleep Disorders, Anxiety and Other Psychological Challenges Linked to Methylations Disorders
Methylation has become a popular topic of discussion in psychiatry as well as naturopathic medicine. Recent data links poor methylation to disorders such as major depression, anxiety and other psychiatric diagnoses. Knowing a patient’s methylation genomic status is a good start but many patients “crash” or develop new symptoms such as sleep issues or anxiety (to name a few) once they initiate methylated nutrient supplementation. This presentation will give a pointed overview of the hard data regarding methylation and its relationship to neuropsychiatric illness. It will additionally discuss the basis of unwanted reactions, their likely biochemical genesis and most importantly how to deal with them clinically.
About Dr. Paul Anderson, ND
Paul Anderson, ND is the medical director of Anderson Medical Specialty Associates, a clinic focusing on the care of patients with cancer and chronic diseases. Dr. Anderson is a graduate of the National College of Natural Medicine, and began instructing classes at naturopathic medical schools in the early 1990s. He has served as Professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine at Bastyr University, and also acted as the Chief of IV Services for the Bastyr Oncology Research Center. He teaches board review classes and CME courses for many naturopathic programs, including BU, NCNM, Boucher Institute, UB, SCNM and CCNM. He is a founding board member of the Academy of Parenteral Therapies specialty group and he is also an instructor and author for the International IV Nutritional Therapy for Professionals training group.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Paul Anderson, ND
  • Gave me a new perspective on evaluating patients and the role methylation defects may play in their disorders
  • The presentation included a good balance of usable/ practical information and a good review of basic concepts
  • The clinical info was great; I'm going to use his examples when talking to my patients.
  • Loved his sense of humor. The information was fascinating and pertinent to our work as providers. Provided a great framework for evaluating methylation.
  • He is a brilliant, entertaining, and excellent presenter. Any talk by Paul Anderson is worth the price of gold! 
Dr. John Neustadt, ND
A Naturopathic Approach to Managing Patients with Depression, ADHD and Bipolar Disorder
This presentation will review the pathophysiology of depression, ADHD and bipolar disorder, along with their conventional diagnoses and comorbidities. Dr. Neustadt will reframe these disorders as a continuum of pathophysiological dysfunction with a functional medicine and naturopathic perspective. Conventional treatment options as well as evidence based naturopathic therapies to treat the underlying causes of these disorders will be discussed.
About Dr. John Neustadt, ND
John Neustadt, ND, studied naturopathic medicine at Bastyr University, where he received the Founders’ Award for clinical and academic excellence. He founded Montana Integrative Medicine in Bozeman, Montana where he was voted “Best Doctor” amongst all physicians in the Best of Bozeman survey. Recently, Dr. Neustadt has joined Mimi Guarneri, MD, Founder of Scripps Integrative Medicine at UC San Diego, to help create a new integrative medical center in La Jolla, CA. Dr. Neustadt is president and cofounder of Nutritional Biochemistry, Inc. and NBI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (CME disclosure: Dr. Neustadt’s companies are not involved in sales of products related to the content area of his presentation).

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. John Neustadt, ND
  • Absolutely brilliant!
  • The treatment plans for all of the different cases he had was helpful.
  • Good clinical relevance. Great review of the neurobiological needs of a patient with natural approaches when possible.
  • Slides were informative and easy to follow. Enjoyed very much. John is so smart! 
  • Better understanding of use of Genova tests and how to implement them for specific cases. Appreciated the clear layout of when to test, when to implement treatment, and when to retest (or not!) and when to withdraw treatment to assess efficacy.
Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND
Dementia - Memories Lost and Found: Integrative Approaches to Managing Dementia in Primary Care
In this presentation, Dr. Fleming will review common forms of dementia, focusing on Alzheimer’s disease. She will discuss evaluation techniques that go beyond the mini-mental status exam. Both conventional and evidence based naturopathic therapies will be presented, with special attention to behavioral management and the role of naturopathic doctors in supporting families. 

About Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND
Alethea Fleming, ND is a passionate advocate for naturopathic geriatric medicine. A 2007 Bastyr University graduate, she also earned a certificate in Gerontology from the University of Washington. Dr. Fleming is the owner and lead physician of the Vital Aging Clinic in Anacortes, Washington where she provides primary care to all adults as well as adjunctive geriatric care. Dr. Fleming is a founding member of On the Water Wellness, a group of health professionals dedicated to providing greater access to health care in their community, as well as a member of the WANP, AANP and OncANP. In her off hours, Dr. Fleming can be found hiking the beautiful trails of Fidalgo Island, spending time with her wonderful husband and son, or with her nose firmly in a good book. 

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND
  • Great primer and perspective on a difficult topic. Engaging and interesting.
  • The tools she uses to evaluate memory and the herbs she uses was helpful info.
  • The evaluation of dementia and MOCA test and resource list were useful.
  • She's an expert in an area that most NDs never touch and gave us invaluable info that is 100% clinically relevant.
  • Dr. Fleming made dementia seem much more approachable. I appreciate her sharing her experiences and allowing us as providers not to shy away from our patients with any level of dementia.
Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD
Oxytocin and Hyperbaric Oxygen: Under Utilized Therapies for Treating Brain Stress and Injury
Review fascinating research on methods for imaging the brain, focusing on the benefits of the SPECT scan for obtaining unique and clinically important information on brain function, behavior and injury. Learn how the evidence based therapies hyperbaric oxygen therapy and oxytocin can be used to heal the brain. Study cases in which oxytocin can be incredibly helpful for various health conditions.
About Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD
Kenneth Stoller, MD completed his training from UCLA School of Medicine in 1986 and was a practicing pediatrician for over two decades focusing on brain injured children and adults. He has been working with patients with brain injuries ranging from traumatic brain injury, stroke, autism, cerebral palsy, MS, chemo-brain, and Lyme brain since the late 1990s. He is Board Certified in Hyperbaric Medicine and has been president of the International Hyperbaric Medical Association since 2002. He has numerous publications on the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and has authored the popular book, Oxytocin: The Hormone of Healing and Hope. In addition to being an astute clinician, Dr. Stoller’s extracurricular activities include being the founding board member of the Humane Farming Association. Dr. Stoller is Chief of Hyperbaric Medicine at the Amen Clinic in San Francisco.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD
  • The incredible benefits of oxytocin! I'm going to look into bringing into my practice.
  • Very interesting to see the scans! Useful lecture.
  • Well organized material that can be easily applied to practice.
  • His personal stories were great. He is so very passionate about his work and his use of both his own story and the stories of his patients really brings alive the power of both oxytocin and hyperbaric oxygen.
  • So encouraging. Thank you. I'm totally sold on oxytocin.

Dr. Stephen J. Ducat, ND, PhD
Minding the Body/Embodying the Mind: Integrating Psychodynamic Psychology into Naturopathic Medicine
In this presentation, Dr. Ducat will discuss the integration of psychodynamic psychology and naturopathic medicine. He will review the evidence supporting the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy, the unavoidability of psychodynamic processes (e.g., transference in the treatment relationship), and understand psychotherapy as an epigenetic modifier as profound as any biochemical agent. He’ll explore the relationship between early childhood adversity, inflammation, MTHFR status, and depression. Attendees will gain insights from cases that illustrate how to integrate psychodynamic psychology with evidence based naturopathic medicine.
About Dr. Stephen J. Ducat, ND, PhD
Stephen J. Ducat, ND, Ph.D., is a naturopathic doctor and clinical psychologist, licensed in both professions in California, with offices in San Francisco and Marin. He obtained his ND from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, and received his PhD from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. His area of focus is integrative mental health, which  combines psychotherapy with evidence based natural medicine and nutrition. Dr. Ducat has been treating couples as well as individual adults for over 20 years. He is also trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), an empirically validated approach to trauma treatment. Dr. Ducat lives in Marin County with his family, where he runs the trails with his trusted canine collaborator, Bosco.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Stephen J. Ducat, ND, PhD
  • Merging psychology and naturopathic medicine. Loved it!!
  • Reminded me how valuable incorporating solid counseling into practice is to patient success. 
  • He really helped me understand these disorders. Very colorful presentation. Very engaging. 
  • The way he explains the various studies in detail was extremely helpful. It is not only important to know what the results were, but how the researcher came to that conclusion.
  • Extremely useful presentation. Relevant and applicable.
Dr. Ian R. Luepker, ND, DHANP
Homeopathic Approaches to Treating Impulsivity in Children: Harnessing Vitalism to Create Positive Outcomes
Dr. Luepker will review the varied presentations of impulsivity in children to understand their diagnostic roots with a focus on executive functioning challenges. He will discuss how impulsivity can be transformed into a functional expression of spontaneity and creativity that can foster positive outcomes. Case-based homeopathic and behavioral approaches will be presented with an exploration of commonly used evidence based homeopathic remedies.

About Dr. Ian Luepker, ND, DHANP
Ian R. Luepker, ND, DHANP is a homeopathic and naturopathic physician specializing in the pediatric treatment of autism spectrum disorders and other behavioral, developmental, and learning disorders. He is president of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP) and the co-author of the acclaimed book: A Drug-Free Approach to Asperger Syndrome and Autism: Homeopathic Care for Exceptional Kids. Dr. Luepker has twelve years experience working in conventional inpatient and outpatient psychiatric settings. Dr. Luepker lives in the Siskiyou mountains outside of Ashland, Oregon where he enjoys being outdoors, weaving, and playing the banjo.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Ian Luepker, ND
  • Excellent job of addressing impulsivity and how to best approach it! 
  • Cases with video and description of emotional senses of the remedies were great. 
  • Wonderful presentation. A good laugh-- the marshmallow video.
  • Great presenter, gentle man, and insightful information presented. 
  • Good attention to vitalism and holism in naturopathic practice. Strong foundation in classical homeopathy.
Dr. Mark Janikula, ND 
Suicide: What You Need to Know as a Naturopathic Doctor To Identify Risk and Effectively Intervene With At Risk Patients
In 2010, there was one suicide every 13.7 minutes in the United States, leading to a total 38,364 suicides. This makes suicide the 10th leading cause of death overall and the 3rd leading cause in youths aged 15-24 years old. Even more alarming, nearly half of those who commit suicide had visited their family doctor the month before suicide. Gain awareness of how to manage patients with suicidal ideation to prevent suicide. Become clear on signs and risk factors that make suicide more likely, and actions to take in a high-risk patient. Learn from clinical cases demonstrating the effectiveness of evidence based homeopathy treatment in high-risk patients with suicidal ideation.   
About Dr. Mark Janikula, ND 
Mark Janikula, ND is the co-founder and president of Fountainhead Naturopathic Mental Health Clinic. His practice is devoted to the treatment of mental illness with homeopathic medicine.  He is passionate about revolutionizing mental healthcare with compassion and integrity, and is committed to training other naturopathic doctors to treat mental illness safely and effectively.  As the leading expert in the field, Dr. Janikula has created a residency to achieve this goal, and wants to make homeopathy accessible to all doctors whose manage mental health disorders.  Dr. Janikula is a graduate of SCNM and practices in Capitola, CA.  

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Mark Janikula, ND
  • Useful and clear method for assessing suicide risk in primary care setting.
  • Helpful to raise awareness about potential liabilities associated with patients who are contemplating or actually commit suicide. Very good assessment review.
  • Appreciated real patient conversations provided for illustration. Crisis response plan with clear instruction- Thanks. 
  • He did a nice overview of suicidal ideation and intent. I also found it interesting to see the ACE score included. Very nice!!
  • Good reminder of anxiety, insomnia, and depression as a "mental health" diagnosis and to screen for suicide appropriately in practice.

Dr. Paul Anderson, ND 
“Mood Stabilizers” in Mental Emotional Medicine: What They Are, Why They are Prescribed and How to Safely Combine Them with Natural Medicines
A new class of neuro-psychiatric medications - commonly referred to as “mood stabilizers” - are being prescribed in record numbers worldwide. Many anti-convulsant and antipsychotic medications are being used off-label as mood stabilizers in the primary care setting. This presentation will discuss the basis for these prescriptions in cases of mood labiality, depression, bipolar spectrum, anxiety states and many other diagnoses.  Appropriate use of evidence based natural medications, tapering and the biochemistry of these substances will be explored.
About Dr. Paul Anderson, ND 
Paul Anderson, ND is the medical director of Anderson Medical Specialty Associates, a clinic focusing on the care of patients with cancer and chronic diseases. Dr. Anderson is a graduate of the National College of Natural Medicine, and began instructing classes at naturopathic medical schools in the early 1990s. He has served as Professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine at Bastyr University, and also acted as the Chief of IV Services for the Bastyr Oncology Research Center. He teaches board review classes and CME courses for many naturopathic programs, including BU, NCNM, Boucher Institute, UB, SCNM and CCNM. He is a founding board member of the Academy of Parenteral Therapies specialty group and he is also an instructor and author for the International IV Nutritional Therapy for Professionals training group.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Paul Anderson, ND
  • Gave me a better perspective on our often-used mood stabilizing drugs. Eager to try out new information re: bipolar.
  • Very pertinent info! Very useful nutritional support. I now have a greater understanding of the brain.
  • I appreciated the cases where patients were successfully tapered off pharmaceuticals.
  • Reseach abstract and illustrations made the topic easy to understand. I am so impressed by the depth of Dr. Anderson's knowledge and the clarity of his thinking and communications. 
  • One of the best presentations! Dr. Anderson is the man! 

Dr. Andrea Gruszecki, ND 
Effects of Stress on the Gut-Brain-Microbiome: Interventions That Restore Health
Over the last decade new discoveries in research have spawned the field of Neurogastroenterology, a subspecialty of gastroenterology which studies and treats disregulated interactions between the nervous system and the gastrointestinal system.The microbiome-gut-brain axis is a unique route of communication between the host and the microbiota of the gastro-intestinal tract. Stress has been shown to disrupt the gut-brain-microbiome axis through changes in the gut wall, neurotransmitter levels and alterations in the microbiota. Studies demonstrate alterations in microbiota populations, GI tissues, or gut-related neurotransmitters occur due to trauma or stress, and may continue to affect health and homeostasis long after the stressor is removed. Disruptions to the microbiome can often be corrected through simple, but effective evidence based treatments, including probiotics, prebiotics, diet and stress management.
About Dr. Andrea Gruszecki, ND 
Andrea Gruszecki, ND received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Trained as a Radiologic Technologist and Army medic, she spent the years prior to graduation from SWCNM working in urgent care and hospital settings, gaining valuable clinical experience. Over the last 12 years in private practice she has focused on the connection between trauma and the mind-body connection. Upon her graduation from SWCNM, she worked with patients at the Wellness Center. Dr. Gruszecki currently serves as a consultant for the Scientific Support Department of Doctor’s Data. Having reviewed over a thousand stool analysis reports during her consults with clinicians, and through current research for a review article on stress effects and the gut-brain-microbiome planned for 2014, she has gained expertise in recognizing mind-body patterns in apparently benign stool results in symptomatic patients.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Andrea Gruszecki, ND
  • Very interesting info-- amazed that I had not fully appreciated the gut-brain connection before! Very informative.
  • Interesting new research in the area of gut microbiome and its connection to brain chemistry that can alter epigentic and early development in an organism.
  • Liked hearing about different probiotics and each of their potential effects on GI tract. Interesting patient cases with bacteriology culture study.
  • Solid take-home point: Stress impacts your microflora. I appreciated that singular, important point. Her research was impeccable. 
  • Lots of good information with tools to explain gut-brain connection to patients. Excellent! 

Dr. Mark L. Gordon, MD 
Traumatic Brain Injury: Addressing Neurotrauma with Hormones and Natural Supplements
According to the CDC there are over 1.9 million cases of non-combatant Traumatic Brain Injury a year. 53,000 patients die on the spot, 360,000 are hospitalized, and nearly 1.5 million are unaware there is a potential time-bomb ticking inside. Unique to head injuries is the unforeseen development of hormone deficiencies precipitated by the interruption of hormonal homeostatic mechanism found within the hypothalamic-pituitary center of the brain. Traumatic Brain Injuryis finally being recognized as a causative factor for accelerated hormonal deficiencies, which can cause psychological, physiological, and physical manifestations (e.g., depression, anxiety, mood swings, memory loss, inability to concentrate, learning disabilities, insomnia, loss of libido, etc.). Learn how to treat neurotrauma with evidence based phytohormones and selected natural products.
About Dr. Mark L. Gordon, MD 
Originally residency trained and board certified in family medicine (1984), Mark L. Gordon, MD continued his medical education in clinical orthopedics (1990), cosmetic dermatology (1993), and sports medicine (1995) prior to culminating in Interventional Endocrinology (1997) – a term which he coined in 2003. Since 2004, he has pursued Neuroendocrinology showing that all forms of neurotrauma can precipitate central hormonal deficiencies. He was instrumental in opening up the recognition of traumatic brain injury as a cause of hormonal deficiency in the hallmarked presentation on ESPN’s Outside the Lines (2007). His book, The Clinical Application of Interventional Endocrinology(2008), is recognized by his peers as a dissertation on the standards of care and assessment for hormone replacement medicine. Another book is due in 2014, Traumatic Brain Injury – A Clinical Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, which provides the scientific basis for assessing and treating with hormones to provide for healing post-TBI. As former medical director of CBS Studios, he has been used for projects at HBO, CBS, ESPN, CNN, FOX, and a number of international programs. 

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Mark Gordon, MD
  • I had the realization that I should routinely look for hormonal dysfunction in TBI.
  • Explanations of hormones and pathways was very thorough and interesting.
  • Journal articles were provided with important key points. Detailed patient cases with lab values appreciated. Excellent.
  • Great studies presented. Loved all the research.
  • It's interesting what he defines as TBI (not just from football or boxing). He had an incredible amount of great info on ratios of certain lab values as well as how he likes to dispense his bio-identical hormones. Will be using the website resource he recommends!

Dr. Lise Alschuler, ND
Positive Psychology Techniques: Reinforcing Health through Happiness
This presentation will explore the criticality of happiness to health. Using understandings derived from social science and neurobiological research, the determinants and components of happiness will be examined along with the impacts of happiness on cognition, creativity, physical health, relational wellbeing and longevity. Learn how to apply positive psychology techniques and strategies to cultivate happiness. These strategies will be reinforced with case examples and stories of happiness.
About Dr. Lise Alschuler, ND 
Lise Alschuler, ND has been a practicing since 1994. She graduated from Brown University with an undergraduate degree in medical anthropology and received a doctoral degree in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. Dr. Alschuler is past-President of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and a founding and current board member of the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. She also currently serves as President Emeritus on the board of the Naturopathic Post-Graduate Association. Dr. Alschuler works as an independent consultant in the area of practitioner and consumer health education. She maintains a naturopathic oncology part-time practice out of Naturopathic Specialists, based in Scottsdale AZ. She calls Tucson AZ and Chicago, IL home. 

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Lise Alschuler, ND
  • Now I know how to approach people differently, positively, finding their strengths. Inspiring.
  • Very good reminder of practicing principles that we preach. Positive impact of embracing happiness, forming and exuding positive emotions, mindset, etc. Wonderful talk. 
  • Happiness herbs and their uses in emotional plane with successful patient cases and description was helpful. Superior interpersonal skills to interact with patients are as important as treating the patients. 
  • This is the heart and soul of what patients want! I liked how we should be phrasing our questions to the patients so as not to affirm their illness. This is a big one! 
  • Dr. Alschuler presented the topic in a humorous and interesting way with cases, examples, dialogues, and will be very useful in practice. I really loved the clinical tools that were given during the talk. Made me happy. 

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