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NW62 Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Eating Disorders (self study)
NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
NW60: Unlocking the Power of the Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Solutions for Recurrent Infections and Fertility (self study)
PW57: How Highs Hurt Your Heart (self study)
NW59: Intestinal Barrier Disruption and the Emergence of Cardiometabolic Endotoxemia (self study)
NW58: Pulse on Prevention: The Critical Link Between ACEs and Heart Disease (self study)
NW57: Eat Your Heart Out: Evidence-Based Tools to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (self study)
[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
2024 Conference: Cardiometabolic Health (self study)
MM18 Clinical Updates in Naturopathic Primary Care (self study)
MM18 Clinical Updates in Naturopathic Primary Care (self study) Storefront > Self-Study CNDA Conferences
MM18 Clinical Updates in Naturopathic Primary Care (self study)
Price: $275.00
Status: Available

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Continuing Education Credits
6.75 hours of general CE credits & 4.25 pharmacy CEs for Naturopathic Doctors (11 CEs total)
11 CEs for LAcs - self-study 

Pricing: $275 non-members and $200 members: members, use your member coupon code at checkout

Original date of conference: April 9-10, 2016

Conference Description
Keeping up to date in primary care practice is key to providing the best naturopathic care to our patients. This conference will emphasize clinical updates in a vast array of topics common in naturopathic primary care settings, including cardiovascular disease, asthma, men’s health, clinical emergency preparedness, dermatology, geriatric medicine and pre-conception care. We have an all-star lineup of speakers ready to share their clinical expertise and who will provide you with the latest in naturopathic and integrative diagnostics, treatment and management. If you see a variety of different complaints in your office on a regular basis, then this conference is for you! If you want to practice high quality, cutting edge primary care medicine, you won’t want to miss this conference!

Conventional and Naturopathic Approaches to Asthma Diagnosis and Treatment, Dr. Matt Baral, ND
As licensed primary care physicians, naturopathic doctors are expected to be knowledgeable about the management of acute and chronic asthma. In addition, parents come to us with the desire for updated knowledge and will expect their children to be provided with evidence-based treatments. This lecture will consist of a detailed synopsis of the recent research in asthma care, both conventional and naturopathic. Naturopathic therapies for asthma and other existing treatments that might be underutilized will be discussed. Pharmaceutical medications will be addressed. 

Participant Feedback: 
  • Great discussion on emergency tx protocols with asthma
  • Excellent photo of inspiratory wheezing
  • Very relevant
  • Appreciated the sense of humor
  • Great practical tips and good reference material

Preconception Care for Overweight and Obese Clients, Dr. Bonnie Nedrow, ND
Overweight and obese women are at an increased risk for gestational diabetes mellitus, hypertension, preeclampsia, and cesarean delivery. Maternal obesity contributes to programing the developing fetus for future obesity and chronic disease in adulthood, and puts babies at increased risk for prematurity, stillbirth, congenital anomalies, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, childhood obesity, and asthma. Obesity and metabolic syndrome in men have been linked to infertility, as well an increase in an array of poor health outcomes in their children including dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, Autism spectrum, stillbirth, and cancer. Preventative measures can be taken by offering preconception counseling, including a discussion of the risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome to the health of future offspring.

Participant Feedback:
  • Her attitude and knowledge were so great. This is a depressing topic - dealing with toxicity in our current environment and she kept it positive and useful. Not an easy job!
  • Excellent balance of info
  • Detoxification awareness information was great!
  • I thought it was helpful to hear that the diet recommendations could be effective for vegan/vegetarian patients as well
  • She explored a wide variety of considerations to achieve fertility/conception in these populations and it was a good mix of helpful review and new information 

Emergency Preparedness for the Primary Care Practice – Hope for the best, Prepare for the Worst 
Dr. Paul Anderson, ND

In-office medical emergencies can come in many forms and require basic, but focused, assessment and response for optimal outcomes. Having managed emergency situations in hospitals, clinics and on interstate highways – as well as having taught emergency medicine for many years – Dr. Anderson will get right to the main points doctors need in such situations. After years of troubleshooting doctor response failures in emergencies, Dr. Anderson has synthesized a fast track program to update and make any office fast, efficient and effective in an emergency situation.

Participant Feedback: 
  • Always an excellent speaker. Very important info. We all need to be up-to-date on this.
  • Good to know what I need to have on hand in my practice for emergencies and how to organize staff to respond.
  • He knows his stuff, is no nonsense and funny.
  • Great presentation - Appreciated learning how to build my emergency supply crash cart.
  • Everything Paul teaches is useful!

Geriatric Primary Care for Naturopathic Doctors, Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND
The demand for physicians working in geriatrics is rapidly rising and naturopathic doctors are uniquely suited to fill this need. Find out about how caring for the aging population has changed in the last decade and review key geriatric issues. Specific updates on Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular health, poly-pharmacy, end of life care and more will be included. This presentation will provide you with solid clinical information, delivered with enthusiasm and good humor.

Participant Feedback:
  • Loved hearing the pearls and simple recommendations she gives as ways to evoke small changes with patients.
  • Practical tips, therapies, resources for my baby boomer patients... and very up-to-date!
  • Very good case studies to illustrate key points
  • Love all of the information and want more! 
  • For a topic that is poorly researched or understood, Dr. Fleming did a great job providing sufficient detail into what is and should be expected in a geriatric-based practice.

Cardiovascular Diagnosis using Biomarker Assessment in a Gender Specific Model for Optimal Treatment Outcomes for Women, Dr. Decker Weiss, ND
Discrepancies in cardiovascular care have been well documented since the 1970’s. From EKG placement to lipid ranges, women’s cardiovascular anatomy physiology is simply different than men. However, conventional models have lagged behind in implementing gender specific models to cardiovascular diagnostics and treatment, which have added to overall morbidity and mortality. Now, a simple, gender specific, diagnostic and treatment model can be applied to your patients.

Participant Feedback: 
  • New info about using biomarkers to assess cvd in women
  • I appreciated learning that women must be measured using different lab numbers - and to look at their brain chemistry and hormones to evaluate CV health
  • Excellent details. Easy to listen to and follow. Good perspective about "conventional" approaches that we need to understand and consider.
  • Wow! So many new ideas. 
  • I was floored by the connection between neurotransmitters, cytokines, the HPA axis, and oxLDL. I immediately ordered test kits so that i can test several of my patients for this. 
Acne, Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis: Update on Etiopathogenesis, Conventional and Naturopathic Treatment, Dr. Michael Traub, ND
Important research on the causes and treatment of acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis has been recently published. Join Dr. Michael Traub, who brings his considerable expertise in naturopathic dermatology to cover key dermatological conditions and how to treat them effectively with naturopathic therapies.

Participant Feedback: 
  • Information was clinically very useful
  • Good review of common dermatology complaints and best integrative therapy approaches
  • His details to the details of the pathology was great! I'm a nerd and like mechanisms. It really helped me to better understand skin better!
  • His breakdown of the different skin conditions and his clear and concise way of providing etiology, symptoms, medical treatment and natural treatment -- so great. 
  • Great topic! Thank you!

Update on Naturopathic Primary Care for Men’s Health and Urology, Dr. Eric Yarnell, ND
Dr. Yarnell will discuss various common and important urological conditions that often affect men, such as kidney stones, UTIs, BPH, and more. He will provide a thoughtful update on the controversy of PSA testing for screening for prostate cancer and how to identify and work with patients with low-grade prostate cancer. Other recent advances and new understandings of men’s health, such as how pelvic floor dysfunction is involved in chronic prostatitis and how urinary tract infection is ultimately a foodborne illness, will be presented. A thorough review of new and common urological medications will be included. Case examples will be used to highlight practical information throughout.

Participant Feedback: 
  • Helpful case studies. His enthusiasm was refreshing and wonderful. 
  • Well documented
  • MANY very practical tips
  • The reminder that ED may be the first and only sign of heart and blood sugar issues was much needed. 
  • Very good presentation. I already emailed one patient with some new information
  • He cracks me up! Eric always has and will always be one of a kind! He NEVER disappoints!! 

> Download .wmv files if you have a PC, or the .mp4 files if you have a Mac
> Receive your CE Certificate of completion by clicking the link contained within one of the document downloads.
> Lecture slides are in the PDF conference eBook.