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NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
NW60: Unlocking the Power of the Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Solutions for Recurrent Infections and Fertility (self study)
PW57: How Highs Hurt Your Heart (self study)
NW59: Intestinal Barrier Disruption and the Emergence of Cardiometabolic Endotoxemia (self study)
NW58: Pulse on Prevention: The Critical Link Between ACEs and Heart Disease (self study)
NW57: Eat Your Heart Out: Evidence-Based Tools to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (self study)
[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
2024 Conference: Cardiometabolic Health (self study)
NW56: Insulin Resistance or Genetic Resistance? Altering Genes to Modify Insulin Pathways (self study)
MM19: Treat the Microbiome... Treat the Whole Person (self study)
MM19: Treat the Microbiome... Treat the Whole Person (self study) Storefront > Self-Study CNDA Conferences
MM19: Treat the Microbiome... Treat the Whole Person (self study)
Price: $275.00
Status: Available

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Continuing Education Credits
10 hours of general CE credits & .5 pharmacy CEs for Naturopathic Doctors (10.5 CEs total)
10.5 CEs for LAcs - self-study 

Pricing: $275 non-members and $200 members: members, use your member coupon code at checkout

Original date of conference: June 10-11, 2017

For CA acupuncturists: 
Category 1 Credits
CE Provider #805
310 670 8100
This course is approved for 10.5 CE hours of continuing education. 
No refunds available

Conference Description
Keeping up to date with current research about the microbiome is key to providing the best naturopathic care to our patients. This conference will emphasize clinical updates regarding the gut-brain connection and how it can influence various conditions common in naturopathic primary care settings. We have an all-star lineup of speakers ready to share their clinical expertise and who will provide you with the latest in naturopathic and integrative diagnostics, treatment and management. If you see a variety of different complaints in your office on a regular basis, then this conference is for you! If you want to practice high quality, cutting edge primary care medicine, you won’t want to miss this conference!

The Role of an Elemental Diet in the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, and Other Conditions Related to a Disordered Microbiome, Dr. Gary Weiner, ND, LAc
The use of an elemental diet as a viable treatment strategy in inflammatory bowel disease has been discussed for many years.  More recently the elemental diet has come into focus as an alternative strategy to resolving small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). A greater variety of elemental diet products have become available to physicians and patients, while increasing education on cost-effective “home-made” elemental diets has  emerged providing an opportunity for the diet to be implemented more affordably.  The elemental deserves its place among other short term dietary interventions that can lead to statistically significant and rapid alternations in composition of the intestinal microbiota, explaining its utility not only in the treatment of IBD and SIBO, but use in other conditions that have less obvious relationship to the microbiota such as dyslipidemias, hypertension, allergic disease, and mental and emotional disorders. 

How the Microbiome Shapes the Systemic Immune System in Health and Disease, Kiran Krishnan, Research Microbiologist
It is estimated that over 80% of our immune tissue is found in the gastrointestinal tract. This same space is occupied by over 100 trillion microorganisms, practically from the day we are born. Overwhelming scientific evidence illustrates the critical role these microbes play in both the function and dysfunction of the immune system. Microbiome initiated immunological dysregulation is a primary cause of many non-infectious diseases such as autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, and cancer. 

Subverted Enteroendocrine System in Obesity, Infection, and Inflammation, Dr. Mi Jung Lee, ND, LAc
The enteroendocrine system not only connects the gut with all of the other organs in the body, but this system also plays an important role in regulating the fundamentals of metabolism.  Hormones that are produced in the gut provide signals to the brain to integrate nutrients and determine neuronal phenotypes. This mechanism appears to be subverted in obesity, infection, and inflammation. Understanding the regulatory peptides involved in the enteroendocrine system not only provides a validation for traditional therapeutics to gastrointestinal conditions but can pave new ways to develop effective and safe naturopathic treatments.

Natural Approach to Urology, Dr. Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG)
The gut flora significantly impacts the urinary tract. Uropathogens, which are organisms specially evolved to be able to survive in the urinary tract, can colonize the gut and then continually seed the urinary tract, causing urinary tract infections. Gut flora can have an effect on kidney stone formation and kidney function as well due to the organism Oxalobacter formigenes and its effect on oxalates in the urine. Dr. Yarnell will discuss various treatment therapies to address gut flora imbalance, the role of the gut flora in adding to or reducing the toxic load the kidneys have to process in patients with chronic kidney disease, and the potential for probiotics and fecal transplant in CKD patients.

The Clinical Impact of Gut & Microbiome on Skin Disease, Dr. Michael Traub, ND, DHANP, FABNO
Helicobacter pylori, SIBO, IBD and other GI disorders can have direct correlations in patients with acne, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, urticaria, and systemic sclerosis.  Learn treatment protocols that will include both naturopathic and pharmacologic options.  Examine the mechanisms of how the gut and skin microbiomes may increase or decrease the risk of certain cancers, and how the gut microbiome may directly impact the risk of cancer in the skin and other organs by promoting systemic inflammation. The skin microbiome itself is as diverse as the gut microbiome, but research has just begun to unravel its influence on the host. Like the gut microbiome, the skin microbiome affects the risk for several diseases, including cancer. By using health promoting strains from the microbiome in oral or topical probiotics, it may be possible to reduce the risk of skin cancer and perhaps increase the likelihood of successful treatment.

Meet your inner ecosystem; Your key to rebalancing immune dysfunction, Dr. Laura Stuve, PhD, Biochemist 
Imbalances in microbiome biodiversity and ecosystem structure can underlie a very diverse set of health issues including: chronic eye, bladder or vaginal infections, colitis, inflammatory conditions, leaky gut, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, obesity, food intolerances, asthma, autoimmune disease and chronic pain. The presentation will focus on an overview of the latest scientific understanding of the human microbiomes (gut, respiratory, ocular, urogenital, skin, and oral), with a focus on the best-characterized microbiome of the gut. Learn on the roles of specific beneficial gut microbe species in maintaining optimal health and ways to promote microbiome biodiversity, rebalance microbiomes after antibiotics, and understand the role and limitations of probiotics.

THE ESTROBOLOME:  The Influence of the Microbiome Upon Estrogen Metabolism and Estrogenic Cancers, Dr. Nalini Chilkov, LAc, OMD
The intestinal microbiome modulates the endogenous metabolism of estrogens.  Learn how this influences a woman’s lifetime exposure to circulating estrogens and how the intestinal microbiota may contribute to the development of estrogen driven cancers.  We will learn to use specific nutraceuticals, probiotics and botanicals to promote a healthy and protective microbiome that favors estrogen conjugation and excretion.

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> Receive your CE Certificate of completion by clicking the link contained within one of the document downloads.
> Lecture slides are in the PDF conference eBook.