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NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
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[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
2024 Conference: Cardiometabolic Health (self study)
NW56: Insulin Resistance or Genetic Resistance? Altering Genes to Modify Insulin Pathways (self study)
NW21: Detox Part 1: Phase 1 & 2 Detox Optimization for Unique & Rare Symptomology (self study)
NW21: Detox Part 1: Phase 1 & 2 Detox Optimization for Unique & Rare Symptomology (self study) Storefront > Self-Study Naturopathic Webinars

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NW21: Detox Part 1: Phase 1 & 2 Detox Optimization for Unique & Rare Symptomology (self study)
Price: $95.00
Status: Available

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Naturopathic Webinar 21

CNDA Members: Use Your Coupon Code At Checkout

2 CEs (approved by OBNM)


Originally Presented: June 12, 2018

Dr. Leah Hollon, ND, MPH

Category 1 Credits
CE Provider #805
310 670 8100
This course is approved by The California Acupuncture Board, Provider #805 for 2.5 hours of continuing education.
No refunds available. 

Presentation Description:
Phase I and Phase II detox mechanisms serve to explain many unique presentations for patients.  From multiple drug or chemical sensitivities, paradoxical reactions, extreme or rare side effects and even non-responses to therapy, all can serve as indicators of compromised detoxification pathways. And these compromises over time can lead to a variety of chronic diseases.  Thus, enhancing the physiology of Phase I and Phase II detoxification is imperative for short and long term health as well as the prevention of future illnesses.  Within this session we will closely examine key enzymes of Phase I and Phase II enzymes that can lead to extreme unique presentations.  We will explore various pharmacotherapy, methylation reports, allergies, food sensitivities, family history and personal history to create a comprehensive and targeted approach for improving the health of your patients.  Throughout this session pharmacotherapy, nutrition, botanical medicine and lifestyle support will be incorporated through lecture and case-based learning.  

Goals and Objectives:

  • Describe the similarities and differences between Phase I and Phase II detox.
  • List at least two Phase I and Phase II enzymes that process estrogen.
  • Name at least two phase II detox pathways that metabolize histamines.
  • Identify at least 3 foods that can alter sulfation (positive or negative).
  • Provide possible therapies including lifestyle, nutritional, botanical, and pharmacotherapy to support key enzymatic variations for specific cases provided.
Brief Biography:
Dr. Leah Hollon holds a BS in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and a Master in Public Health (MPH) from VCU School of Medicine.  She completed her ND degree and residency training at NUNM.  She was an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy for three years and is a founder and co-owner of Richmond Natural Medicine.  She has been an editor for the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE), has been published in the use of alternative medicine in Central Appalachia, and assisted in the establishment of a drug court program in Central Appalachia.  Dr. Hollon has lectured within the field of pharmacy for ASCP (American Society of Consulting Pharmacists), UNC, Creighton, EVMS, VCOM and Manchester Universities. She has served as a board member and President of the VAANP, as well as a board member of the OANP.  Dr. Hollon presently serves as the residency site coordinator for the first accredited naturopathic residency in Virginia.  She has also presented regionally within her discipline for the VAANP, MDANP, AANP and ICNM.

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