My music has all been thoughtfully created to serve intentional vibrational frequencies. As all is vibration, it follows that specific vibrations can serve specific purposes. The body is made up of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and systems all vibrating at certain frequencies that create form, function, and degree of alignment. When energy flow is restricted by the moments of living then vibrational frequencies change, usually diminishing. The restrictions create blockages which can create conditions that demand conscious attention for the purpose of clearing to return to the state of balance.
I write with vibrational intention to create results by resonating with the cells to stimulate them to realign. By choosing song keys that focus on the chakras, I am sending like frequencies to a place that holds the energetic remnants of the blockages. By further aligning rhythm, melody, harmony, and lyric, I provide a powerful medicine to invite and escort the body’s return to wholeness.

I hope you are intrigued by the music... how it can actually assist in raising your personal vibration clearing old energetic debris in the process. The power of music to usher us into a more balanced state has always been there. When you combine the melody, the lyric, the rhythm, the key, the chord structure, the harmonization, and intention in conscious, focused ways, you end up with a vibrational healing device that can serve you in profound ways. Stick around and listen and notice what happens. Just for the fun of it...just for the sake of remembering who you are...just for the sake of finding a new pathway home...
             blessings, Mark Stanton Welch
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Core CDs
This subcategory contains 33 products and 0 subcategories.
These are all the original recording CDs. From these the Theme Series, Musical Prescriptions, some Sound Alchemy series CDs, and some Youth Empowerment CDs have been created. 
Core CDs Downloads
This subcategory contains 33 products and 0 subcategories.
Here you can access the complete CD downloads as well as downloads for individual songs on that CD. Listen to 30 second samples of each song on the CD and link to information about and purchase of the song itself in MP3 format.

These are all the original recording CDs. From these the Theme Series, Musical Prescriptions, some Sound Alchemy series CDs, and some Youth Empowerment CDs have been created. 

Please note: Your download link will appear at the bottom of your emailed receipt.
Theme Series CDs
This subcategory contains 28 products and 0 subcategories.


Here you can access the complete CD downloads as well as downloads for individual songs on that CD. Listen to 30 second samples of each song on the CD and link to information about and purchase of the song itself in MP3 format.

All of these CDs consist of mostly previously released songs organized under a common theme. This organization allows you to choose a CD to fit your specific need, energy, and situation. CDs are available as complete shipped CD or as download, complete and individual songs. Click on a CD to access information, samples, and to order download or shipped CD.
Please remember that unless noted, all songs were previously released on another CD.

For over 20 years I wrote music and traveled on some fairly consistent circuits. If I did not have new product when I came back my sales diminished. So, when I returned home I began the next recording in my home studio. As I was writing consistently there was never a shortage for material. Songs came from my Music Director capacity at Unity of San Luis Obispo, California where I would create a new song each week to support the Sunday Service. My additional work with the youth and adults in the New Thought movement provided additional topics for song writing, particularly the shot, repetitive, chant like songs that came to be known as intentional music. 

Needless to say, I was amassing a lot of product. At events, I found myself explaining each one many times to the customers. One day I came upon the idea of themes…writing musical prescriptions for what energetically ailed the person. I crawled through all of my CDs and their songs and gathered specific writings that supported the theme. It was amazing how this fell into place. Sure, there are a handful of songs that fall into multiple themes, but most of the collections are unique. And I started to receive feedback that a song under the theme took on the vibration of the intention. When heard in another theme it took on that vibe.

These Theme CDs are good for clearing the energetics of particular conditions on all levels. Decide which theme serves you  and listen to the whole CD  repeatedly to let the messages and the energy do its work. Welcome to the new medicine…
Theme Series CD Downloads
This subcategory contains 33 products and 0 subcategories.
Here you can access the complete CD downloads as well as downloads for individual songs on that CD. Listen to 30 second samples of each song on the CD and link to information about and purchase of the song itself in MP3 format.

All of these CDs consist of mostly previously released songs organized under a common theme. This organization allows you to choose a CD to fit your specific need, energy, and situation. CDs are available as complete shipped CD or as download, complete and individual songs. Click on a CD to access information, samples, and to order download or shipped CD.
Please remember that unless noted, all songs were previously released on another CD.

For over 20 years I wrote music and traveled on some fairly consistent circuits. If I did not have new product when I came back my sales diminished. So, when I returned home I began the next recording in my home studio. As I was writing consistently there was never a shortage for material. Songs came from my Music Director capacity at Unity of San Luis Obispo, California where I would create a new song each week to support the Sunday Service. My additional work with the youth and adults in the New Thought movement provided additional topics for song writing, particularly the shot, repetitive, chant like songs that came to be known as intentional music. 

Needless to say, I was amassing a lot of product. At events, I found myself explaining each one many times to the customers. One day I came upon the idea of themes…writing musical prescriptions for what energetically ailed the person. I crawled through all of my CDs and their songs and gathered specific writings that supported the theme. It was amazing how this fell into place. Sure, there are a handful of songs that fall into multiple themes, but most of the collections are unique. And I started to receive feedback that a song under the theme took on the vibration of the intention. When heard in another theme it took on that vibe.

These Theme CDs are good for clearing the energetics of particular conditions on all levels. Decide which theme serves you  and listen to the whole CD  repeatedly to let the messages and the energy do its work. Welcome to the new medicine…

Please note: Your download link will appear at the bottom of your emailed receipt.
Sound Alchemy Series CDs
This subcategory contains 22 products and 0 subcategories.

CDs  shown below are part of the Sound Alchemy Series Tools. This means they have been created based on ancient and cutting edge sound healing principles and will be useful in assisting you to raise your personal vibration. They are intentional healing tools that will assist in energetic clearing, energy body balancing, pattern dissolving, and positive life-affirming mental programming. Their use will impact your body, emotions, mind, and spirit in high vibration ways. Increased usage produces increased results.

Click on any of the CD covers below to access details, listen to samples, and order as shipped CD.

For a more extensive exploration of sound healing please visit Soundhealer.

Sound Alchemy Series CD Downloads
This subcategory contains 23 products and 0 subcategories.

CDs  shown below are part of the Sound Alchemy Series Tools. This means they have been created based on ancient and cutting edge sound healing principles and will be useful in assisting you to raise your personal vibration. They are intentional healing tools that will assist in energetic clearing, energy body balancing, pattern dissolving, and positive life-affirming mental programming. Their use will impact your body, emotions, mind, and spirit in high vibration ways. Increased usage produces increased results.

Click on any of the CD covers below to access details, listen to samples, and order to receive the MP3 download link immediately.

For a more extensive exploration of sound healing please visit Soundhealer.

Youth Empowerment Series CDs
This subcategory contains 21 products and 0 subcategories.
As a Fourth Grade classroom teacher in a Paso Robles, California, for almost 20 years I learned a lot about myself as well as the many children I was privileged to facilitate along the way. I taught in the very school where I went as a boy. learned quickly that I was there to heal some old wounds and learn to champion the revolutionary idea of self-esteem that burst forth in the late seventies and through the 80's. Every day I was a witness to the magnificent beings before me. Music was a regular part of our afternoon routine and I also played music through the week in a variety of local clubs.  As I started to take my music out to others all over the country, I began to see how short, repetitive messages in chant form had an empowering capacity to not only feed the mind, but also assist in clearing a lot of old energetic wounding. This category reflects lots of creations that have fed thousands of children of all ages. The new generations are very high frequency beings. It is our task as adults to assist in keeping their inner knowing intact so they can flower into the powerful ones they are...destined to help this world rise out of the old limited thinking and believing prison. Use these recordings to assist your children as well as your self. Doing so will slow down your aging...honest!
Youth Empowerment CD Downloads
This subcategory contains 21 products and 0 subcategories.
As a Fourth Grade classroom teacher in a Paso Robles, California, for almost 20 years I learned a lot about myself as well as the many children I was privileged to facilitate along the way. I taught in the very school where I went to as a boy. I learned quickly that I was there to heal some old wounds and learn to champion the revolutionary idea of self-esteem that burst forth in the late seventies and through the 80's. Every day I was a witness to the magnificent beings before me. Music was a regular part of our afternoon routine and I also played music through the week in a variety of local clubs.  As I started to take my music out to others all over the country, I began to see how short, repetitive messages in chant form had an empowering capacity to not only feed the mind, but also assist in clearing a lot of old energetic wounding. This category reflects lots of creations that have fed thousands of children of all ages. The new generations are very high frequency beings. It is our task as adults to assist in keeping their inner knowing intact so they can flower into the powerful ones they are...destined to help this world rise out of the old limited thinking and believing. Use these recordings to assist your children as well as your self. Doing so will slow down your aging...honest!

Please note: Your download link will appear at the bottom of your emailed receipt.
Musical Prescription CD Set
This subcategory contains 16 products and 0 subcategories.

My music has all been thoughtfully created to serve intentional vibrational frequencies. As all is vibration, it follows that specific vibrations can serve specific purposes. The body is made up of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and systems all vibrating at certain frequencies that create form, function, and degree of alignment. When energy flow is restricted by the moments of living then vibrational frequencies change, usually diminishing. The restrictions create blockages which can create conditions that demand conscious attention for the purpose of clearing to return to the state of balance.

I write with vibrational intention to create results by resonating with the cells to stimulate them to realign. By choosing song keys that focus on the chakras, I am sending like frequencies to a place that holds the energetic remnants of the blockages. By further aligning rhythm, melody, harmony, and lyric, I provide a powerful medicine to invite and escort the body’s return to wholeness.

Each song is a specific tool that will address an energetic frequency. In a sense, it is an energetic musical prescription created to heal. By gathering like intentioned songs into a collection it creates a powerful resource to assist you in reawakening and changing the forms of your life.

The Musical Prescription Sets are a complete immersion in the theme behind it. Listening to the songs regularly is powerful medicine. Singing along with them is the completion of a circle of intentional healing that will eventually replace systemic thoughts and behavioral patterns that contributed to the condition. Reclaiming health, balance, and center is a conscious choice that requires action. This music is the perfect companion for your reclamation project that will bring you home to You.

Choose from the following Set Themes. Explore the 5 CDs in them by clicking on the CD for information and song samples.

Set 1-Manifestation
Set 3-Change
Set 5-Sound Alchemy
Set 7-Relaxation/Stress Reduction
Set 9-Clearing Through Movement
Set 11-Instrumental Music Journeys
Set 13-Youth Empowerment
Set 15-Youth Program Resources
Set 2-Energetic Healing
Set 4-Conscious Living
Set 6-Relationships
Set 8-Transition
Set 10-Power of Chants and Mantras
Set 12-Extended 12 Step Support
Set 14-Embracing Life's Journey


All sets available also as Downloads. Click to access.

vailable by special request as a Flash Drive Bundle. Contact Mark with request.
Musical Prescription Downloadable CD Set
This subcategory contains 16 products and 0 subcategories.

My music has all been thoughtfully created to serve intentional vibrational frequencies. As all is vibration, it follows that specific vibrations can serve specific purposes. The body is made up of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and systems all vibrating at certain frequencies that create form, function, and degree of alignment. When energy flow is restricted by the moments of living then vibrational frequencies change, usually diminishing. The restrictions create blockages which can create conditions that demand conscious attention for the purpose of clearing to return to the state of balance.

I write with vibrational intention to create results by resonating with the cells to stimulate them to realign. By choosing song keys that focus on the chakras, I am sending like frequencies to a place that holds the energetic remnants of the blockages. By further aligning rhythm, melody, harmony, and lyric, I provide a powerful medicine to invite and escort the body’s return to wholeness.

Each song is a specific tool that will address an energetic frequency. In a sense, it is an energetic musical prescription created to heal. By gathering like intentioned songs into a collection it creates a powerful resource to assist you in reawakening and changing the forms of your life.

The Musical Prescription Sets are a complete immersion in the theme behind it. Listening to the songs regularly is powerful medicine. Singing along with them is the completion of a circle of intentional healing that will eventually replace systemic thoughts and behavioral patterns that contributed to the condition. Reclaiming health, balance, and center is a conscious choice that requires action. This music is the perfect companion for your reclamation project that will bring you home to You.

Choose from the following Set Themes. Explore the 5 CDs in them by clicking on the CD for information and song samples.

Set 1-Manifestation
Set 3-Change
Set 5-Sound Alchemy
Set 7-Relaxation/Stress Reduction
Set 9-Clearing Through Movement
Set 11-Instrumental Music Journeys
Set 13-Youth Empowerment
Set 15-Youth Program Resources
Set 2-Energetic Healing
Set 4-Conscious Living
Set 6-Relationships
Set 8-Transition
Set 10-Power of Chants and Mantras
Set 12-Extended 12 Step Support
Set 14-Embracing Life's Journey


Please note: Your download link will appear at the bottom of your emailed receipt.

All sets available also as shipped CD Sets. Click to access.

vailable by special request as a Flash Drive Bundle. Contact Mark with request.
Instrumental Music
This subcategory contains 5 products and 0 subcategories.
All of my instrumentals have been created with clear intention to raise the vibration of the physical and etheric bodies back to a state of balance and clarity. The keys, melodies, and rhythms are chosen to focus on one of the seven in-body chakras, or energy centers. Doing this allows the music to assist in clearing energetic debris as well as raise and maintain the health of that chakra. This can be powerful medicine to feed your personal energetics.
Instrumental Music Downloads
This subcategory contains 6 products and 0 subcategories.
All of my instrumentals have been created with clear intention to raise the vibration of the physical and etheric bodies back to a state of balance and clarity. The keys, melodies, and rhythms are chosen to focus on one of the seven in-body chakras, or energy centers. Doing this allows the music to assist in clearing energetic debris as well as raise and maintain the health of that chakra. This can be powerful medicine to feed your personal energetics.