Current Special Offers Here you will find all of the latest current sale offerings. Click on each to explore it make the limited time purchase. Thank you in advance for your support of my creations

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Part Number: Spring2024SpecialGift

Price: $109.00 $77.00
In celebration of Spring's vibe take advantage of a collection of CDs and information to solidify your connection to the the Earth and celebrate the beauty of life in this season of awakening. Consists of 5 CD downloads, an E-book download, and 7 Weekly Gratitude practices...all at a special down-to-Earth price. 

This is a gift that you can send as many times as you like to those who align with the vibration.
Part Number: Spring2024Special

Price: $109.00 $77.00
In celebration of the great Spring Vibe take advantage of a collection of CDs and information to solidify your connection to the the Earth. Consists of 3 CD downloads, an E-book download, and 7 Weekly Gratitude practices...all at a special down-to-Earth price
Part Number: MentoringSpiritualMentoring

Price: $1,750.00 $1,200.00
Each of us is experiencing a unique rebirth. It can be confusing and chaotic and painful and discouraging. Guidance and support would make all the difference. Someone who has walked through the fire and paid attention to the learnings and carries information because he has listened all along....that would be useful. Someone who has emotional literacy and can process energetic releases with an array of techniques...that would be useful. Someone who believes in you...yes!

I offer you guidance and support ...through your moments of living in this profound time of reclamation of the I AM.
Part Number: Services40%InnerChildMentoring

Price: $897.00 $550.00
Secure the 10 session Inner Child Mentoring process...a personalized one to one experience
Part Number: SeasonalSelfCareSeriesSubscriptionBundle

Price: $160.00 $110.00
The Seasonal Self Care Series Bundle Subscriptions gets you the resource package for each of the Seasons delivered one at a time to your inbox on the Solstice and the Equinox. Align with the unique and powerful energies of each season and consciously learn to access and utilize specific elements to help you create inner and outer harmony with the season. You will receive each bundle on the day the next season arrives.

Available only as a download series.
Part Number: 2024LoveRelationshipsBundleUSBFlash

Price: $65.00 $40.00
Part Number: 2024LoveRelationshipsBundleShipped

Price: $75.00 $45.00
Book and 3 CD Bundle
This book consists of entries from three books, Living in DeLight, Weekly Gratitudes, and Tools for the Times. Included as a balancing element I have included the lyrics of thirty original songs directly addressing higher order ways to use Love in all forms of relationship.

Included in the bundle are 3 Theme Series CDs, I Am Love, So Connected, and I Must Take Good care of Me.

Available as Pdf download book and MP3 CDs.

Available also as a shipped bundle.

Also available as a shipped Flash Drive with PDF book and MP3 CDs.
Part Number: 2024LoveRelationshipsBundleDL

Price: $65.00 $35.00
Book and 3 CD Bundle
This book consists of entries from three books, Living in DeLight, Weekly Gratitudes, and Tools for the Times. Included as a balancing element I have included the lyrics of thirty original songs directly addressing higher order ways to use Love in all forms of relationship.

Included in the bundle are 3 Theme Series CDs, I Am Love, So Connected, and I Must Take Good care of Me.

Available as Pdf download book and MP3 CDs.

Available also as a shipped bundle.

Also available as a shipped Flash Drive with PDF book and MP3 CDs.
Part Number: StayHomePackageDL

Price: $75.00 $47.00
Stay at Home Resource Package Download consisting of 4 download CDs, 8 relevant and timely writings, one Weekly Gratitude E-Book, one How-to Article, Safe Release of Fear, and a recent recording of Mark's Easter message to Unity of Cambria, California
Part Number: SeasonalSelfCareBundleOneFallUSBFlash

Price: $70.00 $47.00
Available Now as shipped USB Flash Drive!

Help to integrate the unique Autumn energies and create balance within you by releasing all that has been held energetically throughout your year with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Fall Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive. Use it from the Autumnal Equinox on September 23 through the 20th of December, just before the crossover into Winter. It can be useful to prepare you for the energetics of the Winter Season, which are deeper and different. 
Part Number: StayHomeResourcePackageDLGift

Price: $47.00
This is a gift version from you to another of the Stay-at-Home Resource Package Download.

Read about it here.

Part Number: WInterSelfCareTwoDL

Price: $70.00 $39.00
Help to integrate the unique Winter energies and create balance within you by further releasing the old and setting intentional energies with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Winter Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive. Use it from the Winter Solstice on December 21 through the 20th of March, just before the crossover into Spring. It can be useful to prepare you for the energetics of the Spring Season, which are lighter and more active. 
Part Number: WinterSelfCareTwoFlashDrive

Price: $70.00 $47.00
Available Now as shipped USB Flash Drive!

Help to integrate the unique Winter energies and create balance within you by further releasing the old and setting intentional energies with this amazing package of sound and informational tools. 5 CDs, 4 Sound Alchemy files, Inspirational PDFs. This is directly applicable self care for your Winter Season. Available as a download or, newly available, in shipped USB Flash Drive. Use it from the Winter Solstice on December 21 through the 20th of March, just before the crossover into Spring. It can be useful to prepare you for the energetics of the Spring Season, which are lighter and more active.
Part Number: DecemberMP3DLComplete

Price: $9.99 $6.99
Download of Complete Deep December CD as MP3 in zip format

Part Number: G3December

Price: $16.00 $12.99
Deep December is a collection of songs penned during the Christmas season. While music director at Unity of San Luis Obispo, CA I developed the 12 year ritual of writing a personal song for the Christmas Eve service. Many of these songs were from that process. A sensitive variety of the sacred and secular.

Click CD or title to learn more about the CD and the creation of each song.
Part Number: Services40%OffSaleVibrationalAttunement

Price: $495.00 $300.00
Explore the power of your voice to direct your energetic self back to a place of expanded wholeness. 
Part Number: Services40%OffSaleToolsfortheTimes

Price: $297.00 $178.00
Tools for the Times
If you desire to know about the way things are from an esoteric perspective then explore all 28 sessions. Your experience of this life and the multi-dimensional living afforded us will expand exponentially.
Part Number: ServicesSale40SpiritualMentoringB1

Price: $1,000.00 $600.00
Part Number: Services40SaleSpiritualMentoringB2

Price: $1,000.00 $600.00
Spiritual Mentoring Block Two
Mark’s years of personal experience and study have brought forth a variety of techniques and modalities to assist you through the unique form of your moments. For a limited time secure this 12 session one to one personalized mentoring experience with Mark at a significant discount. Recorded one hour phone sessions support the online materials to provide you with n expansive evolving mentoring that leaves you in a higher frequency with greater clarity, understanding, self connection, and balance.
Part Number: services40SaleRebirthofIAm

Price: $1,650.00 $1,050.00
Are you ready for a remarkable three day adventure and transformation with Mark on the Central Coast of California? Then, let's explore more...spaces available for only 11 in 2024.
Part Number: VMC2ThemeCDGift

Price: $290.00 $110.00
A Very Merry Christmas Download Bundle Two.  You are giving the caring and powerful gift of all 29 of Mark's Theme Series CDs to the recipient. Go to the Bundle page for some particulars to insure that they receive it promptly.
Part Number: VMC2ThemeSeriesDL

Price: $290.00 $110.00
A Very Merry Merry Christmas Download CD Bundle Three: Complete Theme Series CDs. 29 CD Downloads of Mark's Theme Series Collection. Offer active until March 31, 2024
Part Number: VMC4CompleteCDDL

Price: $610.00 $200.00
A Spirit told me to do it Christmas Sale of the Celestial kind! Download 61 CD titles for the super low price of $ over $400!

This sale goes through March 15, 2024

This is an incredible collection of conscious music that raises vibration and assists you in finding balance. It will serve you in many ways. Give yourself, or a friend, a Christmas gift that will  serve you from now on in expansive ways. Let the songs massage your energy and assist you in remembering your true self. It is time!
Part Number: Services40SaleChakraClearingSessionsRecordings

Price: $79.00 $55.00
Access complete recordings of two years of monthly chakra clearing sessions. A treasure trove of Sound Alchemy tools and information.
Part Number: MSWCMSamplerDL

Price: $0.00
To get the flavor of the wide variety of Mark Stanton Welch's creations, download this 10 song MP3 sampler. Each full length creation is from a separate CD in Mark's expansive catalog. This music sampler CD is free and yours to keep and enjoy and pass around.