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NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
NW60: Unlocking the Power of the Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Solutions for Recurrent Infections and Fertility (self study)
PW57: How Highs Hurt Your Heart (self study)
NW59: Intestinal Barrier Disruption and the Emergence of Cardiometabolic Endotoxemia (self study)
NW58: Pulse on Prevention: The Critical Link Between ACEs and Heart Disease (self study)
NW57: Eat Your Heart Out: Evidence-Based Tools to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (self study)
[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
2024 Conference: Cardiometabolic Health (self study)
NW56: Insulin Resistance or Genetic Resistance? Altering Genes to Modify Insulin Pathways (self study)
MM20: Unlocking the Brain... A Key to Healing (self study)
MM20: Unlocking the Brain... A Key to Healing (self study) Storefront > Self-Study CNDA Conferences
MM20: Unlocking the Brain... A Key to Healing (self study)
Price: $275.00
Status: Available

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Continuing Education Credits
8.5 hours of general CE credits & 2.5 pharmacy CEs for Naturopathic Doctors (11 CEs total)
11 CEs for LAcs - self-study (pending)

Pricing: $275 non-members and $200 members: members, use your member coupon code at checkout

Original date of conference: April 14-15, 2018

For CA acupuncturists:
Category 1 Credits
CE Provider #805
310 670 8100
This course is pending approval for 11 hours of continuing education. 
No refunds available

Conference Description
Keeping up to date with current research about the relationship between psychiatry and neuro-immunology is key to providing the best naturopathic care to our patients. This conference will emphasize clinical updates regarding psychiatric, neurological, and immunological health and how it can influence various conditions common in naturopathic primary care settings.
We have an all-star lineup of speakers ready to share their clinical expertise and who will provide you with the latest in naturopathic and integrative diagnostics, treatment, and management. If you see a variety of different neurological and psychological conditions in your office on a regular basis or just want to learn more about this constantly evolving field of medicine, then this conference is for you. If you want to practice high quality, cutting edge primary care medicine, you won’t want to miss this conference!

Hormonal Influence on Psychiatric Conditions - Dr. Alicia Johnson, ND
Approximately 1 in 5 people in the U.S., or 43.8 million people, suffer from some form of psychiatric condition. As naturopathic doctors, is our goal to find and address the root cause for these conditions. In many instances, endocrine disorders can play a huge role in many psychiatric conditions. In this presentation, Dr. Johnson will differentiate between psychiatric conditions caused by metabolic and endocrine disorders. Specific hormone labs and their reference ranges will be discussed along with first line protocols to help the practitioner treat the hormonal conditions. She will discuss unique pharmacological approaches for situations where herbs and nutritional supplementation are not as effective or the condition is too severe. Attendees will leave the presentation with a greater understanding of treatment approaches for PMDD, postpartum depression, hormone related anxiety, and more. 

Sleep as Symptom: A Clinical Model for Diagnosing and Treating the Underlying Causes of Insomnia
- Dr. John Neustadt, ND

In this original presentation, Dr. Neustadt reviews the neurobiology of the sleep-wake cycle and discusses the impacts sleep has on endocrine, immunological and psychological function as well as comorbidities that are caused by, and due to, disrupted sleep. Pharmacological approaches to sleep disorders are discussed, as well as integrative approaches to evaluating and treating insomnia. The presentation discusses the evidence supporting psychological approaches (eg, cognitive behavior therapy), meditation, yoga, exercise, dietary modifications, dietary supplements and medications. Dr. Neustadt presents a concise clinical model for working up and treating patients.

Overview of Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Infectious Diseases - Dr. Jacob Leone, ND
Although the potential for microbes to contribute to mental illness has been discussed in the medical community for over a century, infectious disease is often overlooked in the differential diagnosis of treatable etiologies underlying neuropsychiatric conditions.  This presentation will provide an overview of the peer reviewed literature discussing the epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical presentations of various infectious diseases and their association with specific neuropsychiatric conditions.  The presenter will also draw on his 10 year history treating chronically infected patients to provide the practicing clinician with clinical pearls throughout the presentation, including a practical framework for how to screen patients for underling infectious disease.   

Nutrigenomics and Mental Health - Dr. Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc
With regards to anxiety, depression, bipolar, and autism, genetic variability will clearly affect mental health. As the field of genetics moves forward, we are constantly learning that the phenotype is not necessarily determined by genotype, because the epigenome modulates gene expression in response to many different factors such as nutrient status, stress, environmental toxins and of course, food. Join Dr. Bongiorno as he defines nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, and discusses various genetic predispositions to disease. Finally, he will discuss how food is a key factor in epigenetic modulation and present his clinical experience working with foods to heal mood. He will also discuss specific supplements that can be used tactically to greatly enhance clinical results.

Unwinding PTSD and Trauma: Unique Perspectives in Pathophysiology, Therapeutics and Aftercare
- Dr. Leah Hollon, ND, MPH

Trauma and more specifically PTSD can lead to neurological, hormonal and immunological disturbances within the system. By way of complex forces including childhood development, epigenetics, and the environment, the trifecta can serve as an entryway impacting methylation, cell signaling and self-recognition. PTSD specifically changes methylation but what risk factors exist and what can be done for potential prevention and therapy? Within this session, we will discuss the pathophysiology, various therapies and maintenance support that serve to unwind the sequelae of trauma and more specifically, PTSD. Current supportive literature and research will be shared to provide insight and therapy for PTSD and trauma though pharmacotherapy, pharmacognosy, homeopathy, nutrition, and lifestyle support. The session will consist of lecture and case based learning.

When Strep Makes You Crazy: Integrative and Homeopathic Management of PANDAS - Dr. Jennifer Bahr-Gunderman, ND
This presentation will give practitioners the tools to improve diagnosis and management of Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infection (PANDAS). The presentation will start with a case presentation, followed by a review of the diagnostic criteria and mechanism of action of the condition. It will review integrative and naturopathic therapies before diving into an in depth exploration of homeopathic management through case presentation and analysis. Targeted homeopathic remedies will be reviewed for important keynotes. 

Memory Rescue - Dr. Daniel Amen, MD
Memory is the fabric of our soul.  It makes us who we are and allows us to keep our loved ones close, even when they are far away.  When our memory is diminished or damaged, it can rob us of our ability to make good decisions because we forget important life lessons and it causes us to become disconnected from those we love and our purpose in life.  In this lecture, physician and neuroscientist Daniel Amen will share with you his BRIGHT MINDS approach to enhance your memory, reverse cognitive decline and remember what matters most to you.  

> Download .wmv files if you have a PC, or the .mp4 files if you have a Mac
> Receive your CE Certificate of completion by clicking the link contained within one of the document downloads.
> Lecture slides are in the PDF conference eBook.