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NW63: Shifting the Imprints of Intergenerational and Transgenerational Trauma (self study)
NW62 Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Eating Disorders (self study)
NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
NW60: Unlocking the Power of the Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Solutions for Recurrent Infections and Fertility (self study)
PW57: How Highs Hurt Your Heart (self study)
NW59: Intestinal Barrier Disruption and the Emergence of Cardiometabolic Endotoxemia (self study)
NW58: Pulse on Prevention: The Critical Link Between ACEs and Heart Disease (self study)
NW57: Eat Your Heart Out: Evidence-Based Tools to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (self study)
[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
Digital Exhibitor Booth
Digital Exhibitor Booth Storefront > 2022 Virtual Conference Exhibitor Options: The Holistic Human: Advances in Naturopathic Primary Care

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Digital Exhibitor Booth
Price: $900.00
Status: Available

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Exhibitor essentials include publicity and visibility via the CNDA as well as many WHOVA platform features including:

  • Digital booth setup and management

  • Multiple staff logins

  • Digital promotions and coupons

  • Ability to upload flyers, videos, and photos

  • Live showcases and chat interactions

  • Robust platform help and support guides

  • Digital lead collection and retrieval

Does your staff need CEs?  Up to 2 of your reps can receive discounted CE with the purchase of this booth. FIND OUT MORE.  Special code required for discount - available after purchase of Digital Booth.

Exhibitors also gain exclusive access to participate in our passport contest where attendees can collect stamps each time they claim deals & offerings, post a comment, and like a booth.