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NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
NW60: Unlocking the Power of the Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Solutions for Recurrent Infections and Fertility (self study)
PW57: How Highs Hurt Your Heart (self study)
NW59: Intestinal Barrier Disruption and the Emergence of Cardiometabolic Endotoxemia (self study)
NW58: Pulse on Prevention: The Critical Link Between ACEs and Heart Disease (self study)
NW57: Eat Your Heart Out: Evidence-Based Tools to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (self study)
[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
2024 Conference: Cardiometabolic Health (self study)
NW56: Insulin Resistance or Genetic Resistance? Altering Genes to Modify Insulin Pathways (self study)
MM14: Environmental Medicine and Oncology in Primary Practice
MM14: Environmental Medicine and Oncology in Primary Practice Storefront > Self-Study CNDA Conferences
MM14: Environmental Medicine and Oncology in Primary Practice
Price: $275.00
Status: Available

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Continuing Education Credits
11.5 hours of general CE credits & 0.5 pharmacy CEs for California Naturopathic Doctors
13.25 credits for CA LAc practitioners
Note: We do not have the first half hour of Dr. Hudson's presentation.

> Download .wmv files if you have a PC, or the .mp4 files if you have a Mac
> Receive your CE Certificate of completion by clicking the link contained within one of the document downloads.
> Lecture slides are in the PDF conference eBook.

Conference Description
Environmental toxins affect all of our patients. Widespread health conditions are soaring as a consequence of these exposures. It's time to deepen your understanding of environmental risk factors and the wide impact they can have on inducing disease. Get a review of the latest research pertinent to environmental medicine and oncology from top experts in the field. Lectures will include focused strategies on prevention and treatment that all general practice naturopathic doctors and integrative clinicians need to know.

Dr. Joe Pizzorno, ND
Assessment and Intervention of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Glutathione Depletion 
Learn about Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and their physiologic consequences (e.g., disruption of cell signaling, endocrine dysregulation, disruption of insulin secretion and sensitivity, neurotoxicity, etc.) and their clinical impact (e.g., ADHD, aging, cardiovascular disease, dementia, diabetes, thyroid disruption, etc.). Understand what can be done to address their harmful effects. Recognize environmental sources, gain an understanding of methods of clinical assessment of body burden, and help your patients intervene with endogenous and exogenous glutathione repletion to neutralize the toxicity and facilitate excretion of POPs.
Dr. Lise Alschuler, ND
Restoring Healthy Redox: The Role of Glutathione and Flavonoids in Cancer Prevention 
Explore the relationship between the redox potential of the cell, and in particular of the mitochondrial membrane, and cancer prevention. Become familiar with the triggers and mechanisms of intrinsic apoptosis. Develop an appreciation for the key elements for restoring optimal redox with an emphasis on the role of glutathione and plant-derived flavonoids.
Dr. Jen Green, ND
Cancer Terrain: Hone In On The Causes of Cancer and Effectively Prioritize Natural Medicine Treatment Options
In this presentation we’ll explore a framework for how to identify and treat various aspects of the cancer terrain (e.g., systemic inflammation and hypercoagulability, stress and hormone imbalance, nutritional deficiency, immune incompetence, blood sugar dysregulation and exercise deficiency). Learn how to evaluate patients using this framework along with some basic lab testing to help you understand which areas need the most attention and support. You will then have the insight needed to effectively prioritize which natural products will be the most useful in treating the unique person in front of you. Bonus topic: we’ll review interesting research on homeopathy in cancer treatment in this lecture!
Dr. Denis Wilson, MD
Environmental Toxins, Their Impact on Thyroid Function and Associated Cancers
There are many environmental factors that affect thyroid function. Toxins such as perchlorate, chlorine, and bromine can adversely affect the utilization of iodine, thereby inhibiting thyroid function. Iodine deficiency can lead to reduced thyroid function and an increased incidence of certain thyroid cancers. Iodine is also extremely important to other tissues of the body as well, and iodine deficiency can lead to an increased incidence of breast cancer. Radiation treatment for head and neck cancer can lead to increased rates of hypothyroidism. Additionally, normal thyroid blood tests cannot guarantee optimal or even adequate levels of metabolism. Help your patients minimize and protect against exposure to these toxins. Learn how to use herbs and nutrients to reverse much of the damage these toxins cause. Discover how T3 can clear and reset thyroid hormone systemic balance to give the body the best chance for optimal function protection against future insult.
Dr. Anne Marie Fine, ND
Epigenetic Café: Diet Changes for Epigenetic Remodeling and Cancer Prevention 
The rapidly emerging field of epigenetics is changing the genetic determinism model of disease - especially with respect to cancer where it has been shown that at least half of all tumor suppressor genes are inactivated through epigenetic mechanisms in tumorigenesis. The field of nutriepigenomics explores the lifelong remodeling of our epigenome by nutritional factors. Delineate the processes by which epigenetic changes occur and explore the relationship between dietary polyphenols, the epigenome and cancer. Learn how to incorporate an epigenetic diet into your clinical practices to help your patients with the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Dr. Jaclyn Chasse, ND
Our Toxic World & Susceptibility - How to Minimize Exposure and Detox to Improve Fertility & Neonatal Health
Get a review of the literature on environmental toxins and their role in fertility and neonatal health. Identify the most harmful endocrine disrupting and cytotoxic compounds in our environment and understand the negative impact of these toxins. Partake in a discussion of clinical strategies to guide patients around minimizing exposures. Review appropriate history-taking and lab testing in order to screen patients with reproductive disorders and infertility for the likelihood of toxic influence. Come away with fertility-specific detoxification strategies to improve egg and sperm quality that can help couples achieve conception.  
Dr. Tori Hudson, ND
Breast Cancer: Environmental Influences & Dietary Risk Factors. A Focused Look at Prevention with Nutrition and "Breast Health Essentials."
Take a focused look at the literature to evaluate the role of dietary fats and essential fatty acid supplementation in breast disease and cancer prevention as well as management. Review evidence-based research on the incorporation of nutritional supplementation as an adjunct tool in managing breast cancer patients. Understand particular issues relevant to integrating natural therapies with conventional treatments including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Deepen your understanding of nutritional and environmental influences on breast health and breast cancer prevention. 

Live Attendee Feedback
Dr. Lise Alschuler
Amazing presenter: engaging, informative and knowledgeable.  Love listening to her!
Dr. Alschuler has a gift for making a complicated and confusing subject clear and understandable.  This was by far the best presentation of the weekend.
Super knowledgeable- info presented in clear format- clinically relevant.
Very clear and well articulated discussion.
Very helpful clinical pearls, delivered material in a clear manner, easy to understand and learn

Dr. Joe Pizzorno
A good review of all the environmental toxins and their impact on our systems.
Applicable content. Good pearls.
Clear overview, clinical relevance           
Dr. Pizzorno is another outstanding presenter with a wealth of knowledge and expertise to speak from. Like the first presenter, he gave practical protocols and information that could be easily implemented in the practice setting. I also felt his information was current/relevant.           
Great info and good perspective on the issues. Brilliant man and a long history in natural medicine to draw from.

Dr. Jen Green
AWESOME!!!  Loved this presentation on all accounts!  Especially the use of homeopathy in the supportive treatment for cancer patients.
Clarity of ideas, slides, knowledge and enthusiasm about ND medicine.
Dr. Green is so down to earth and it comes through her presentation.
Lots of new info on tests I should be running and possible treatments for post-treatment CA patients.
Very articulate speaker, and I learned a lot.

Dr. Tori Hudson
A good update on the latest research in this topic.
Dr. Hudson is such a good speaker, very easy to understand.
Dr. Hudson is a wealth of information and an amazing doctor.  I love the way she integrates research with practice and her own intuition and wisdom.
Good overview on some grey areas (soy, HRT, f.a).
I liked the info on "Environmental Health 10 point plan for reducing risk of Breast Cancer" & Nutraceuticals and Breast Health.

Dr. Jaclyn Chasse
Easy to implement suggestions for patients.
Excellent presentation of the specific effects of each of the toxins on specific aspects related to fertility.
Great information and easy to listen to.
Practical approaches to testing and implementing dietary changes.
The wide variety of examples (modalities) given for enhancing fertility both for males and females. Excellent!
Dr. Anne Marie Fine
Deepened my understanding of epigenetics and how our medicine works at the gene interface.
Epigenetic research was very up to date and useful, science based and supportive.
Information was exciting and cutting edge.
She presented good scientific research and review of epigenetics.
Very interesting research on epigenetic that certain foods can alter gene expression.

Dr. Denis Wilson
Clear, logical, systematic discussion of thyroid issues.
Everything!  Incredibly insightful for my thyroid patients.  Excellent speaker!
The presentation outline was most useful, easy to follow and easy to locate material presented in the talk.
Lots of detailed info on thyroid and useful clinical information.
This was really great.  He really knew what he was talking about and made it clinically relevant.  I wish he would have had more time to talk.

Immediate Download Includes
• Audio/Visual files of the presentation in .wmv format (PC) and .mp4 format (Mac)
• PDF booklet
• Certification form
• Purchase the webinar
• Download files to your computer
• Listen to the conference
• Use the link in the Word file to receive your Self-Study CE certificate