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NW61: Recognizing and Supporting Autistic Neurology (self study)
NW60: Unlocking the Power of the Vaginal Microbiome: Modern Solutions for Recurrent Infections and Fertility (self study)
PW57: How Highs Hurt Your Heart (self study)
NW59: Intestinal Barrier Disruption and the Emergence of Cardiometabolic Endotoxemia (self study)
NW58: Pulse on Prevention: The Critical Link Between ACEs and Heart Disease (self study)
NW57: Eat Your Heart Out: Evidence-Based Tools to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (self study)
[Partner as Teacher] Advanced Clinical Hormone Analysis: EndoAxis
2024 Conference: Cardiometabolic Health (self study)
NW56: Insulin Resistance or Genetic Resistance? Altering Genes to Modify Insulin Pathways (self study)
MM15: Obesity, Dysmetabolic Syndrome and Weight Management: Naturopathic Solutions to Optimize Clinical Management
MM15: Obesity, Dysmetabolic Syndrome and Weight Management: Naturopathic Solutions to Optimize Clinical Management Storefront > Self-Study CNDA Conferences
MM15: Obesity, Dysmetabolic Syndrome and Weight Management: Naturopathic Solutions to Optimize Clinical Management
Price: $275.00
Status: Available

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Continuing Education Credits
8.5 hours of general CE credits & 2.0 pharmacy CEs for California Naturopathic Doctors
10.5 CEs for self-study LAcs 

> Download .wmv files if you have a PC, or the .mp4 files if you have a Mac
> Receive your CE Certificate of completion by clicking the link contained within one of the document downloads.
> Lecture slides are in the PDF conference eBook.

Conference Description - Sept 21-22, 2013 in Pasadena, CA
The World Health Organization has declared obesity a global epidemic and obesity-related conditions affect nearly a third of all Americans. Evidence continues to accumulate demonstrating that dietary and lifestyle management solutions are among the most effective strategies for preventing and treating obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. As more individuals seek out naturopathic care, clinicians will need to be prepared to offer individualized evidence based treatment plans that are both effective and sustainable.  Merging Medicine XV is an opportunity to study under some of the most respected doctors and researchers in the field of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Upon completion of this conference, participants will be able to: 
  • Recognize and apply the clinical criteria for being overweight or obese as well as the diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
  • Understand the health benefits of weight loss.
  • Discuss the role of pharmacotherapy in the management of dysglycemia and metabolic syndrome.
  • Manage obesity as a primary “risk factor” in the setting of common cardiometabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
  • Identify dietary and lifestyle interventions to avoid the onset of metabolic syndrome, diabetes and obesity in adults.
  • Become proficient at creating individualized weight loss interventions that are both effective and sustainable using evidence based principles of naturopathic medicine and Ayurvedic medicine.
  • Understand the role of hormones in metabolic syndrome and obesity and how to prescribe bio-identical hormones based on evidence for their use.
  • Become comfortable with counseling strategies for behavioral change and staying involved in long-term management.
  • Become comfortable writing exercise prescriptions.
  • Become confident in resolving complicated cases of patients with obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. 
Dr. Jack Youngren 
Understanding the Insulin Resistant Patient: Individualized Treatments that Work
Insulin resistance – a primary contributor to metabolic syndrome and diabetes – continues to increase in prevalence each year in the United States, yet the hallmarks of this condition are often overlooked by clinicians. Dr. Youngren will share his clinical research experience to enable clinicians to identify the primary determinants of insulin resistance. He will describe the essential role that adipose tissue and obesity play in metabolic syndrome, and how exercise affects insulin resistance in diabetic, obese and metabolic syndrome patients, respectively. Other interventions that possess strong potential to reverse insulin resistance, including diet, evidence based use of anti-inflammatories and nutritional supplements, will be discussed in detail. Attendees will leave this presentation with an understanding of therapeutic protocols that can be customized to target insulin resistance in individual patients.
About Dr. Jack Youngren, PhD
Jack Youngren, PhD received his PhD at UCLA, where he studied the mechanisms of insulin resistance and developed an interest in the influence of lifestyle on disease. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Medicine at UCSF, where he has conducted NIH-funded research on the capacity for exercise to reverse the risk for diabetes. He has also published research on the effects of natural medicines and nutrients on improving insulin sensitivity. His experience with insulin resistance across the general population taught him a great deal about the nature of diabetes risk and the interaction between body fat stores and the biological effects of insulin. Dr. Youngren has written extensively on insulin resistance, and has presented his work to the American Diabetes Association and the prestigious Gordon Research Conference. In addition, he has served as a scientific consultant for the nutraceutical industry.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Jack Youngren, PhD
  • Brilliant presenter & presentation. Loved the scientific perspective on our therapies and current knowledge about Met Syn.
  • Major shift in my understanding of T2D/insulin resistance, etc. Very knowledgable in his field, and aware of when he is outside his expertise. Fascinating, pleasant to listen to and useful. 
  • I enjoyed the thoroughness of his research and the new perspective on the role of visceral fat in diabetes. 
  • Researcher's point of view of metabolic syndrome is helpful. His view of the toxic effects of healthy fats in the diet is contrary to other research. Challenges the paradigm. ALA info was very useful! 
  • Great presentation and was very impressed with his consistent focus on making the information clnically relevant. 
Dr. Dennis Godby 
Breakthrough Solutions for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity On or Off a Budget
If present trends continue, one in three children born in this century will likely develop diabetes in his or her lifetime. Obesity, equally, is on the rise, and the prevalence of both conditions is directly related to income and education. The poorest populations suffer disproportionately from diseases that can prevented and treated using lifestyle management, dietary changes, stress management and other inexpensive, mind-body solutions. Rather than focusing on nutritional supplements, Dr. Godby will explore a breadth of proven, practical tools and techniques that clinicians can apply to their current practice. Attendees will learn how to empower patients to take control of their health using practices like blood glucose monitoring, enjoying healthy food, specific exercise techniques, emotional health awareness, fat loss methods and more.
About Dr. Dennis Godby, MA, ND
Dr. Godby has been interested in nutrition and running since he was a child. While studying exercise physiology and nutrition in college, he organized family “fun runs” in his college community to encourage exercise. He has made a solo run of 1,420 miles over the Northern Cascades and Canadian Rockies. To raise media awareness about human rights in Central America, he ran from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. He went on to found The Run: Moving Natural Medicine Forward, a 3,000-mile transcontinental run to increase naturopathic medicine visibility (see After graduating from NCNM at age 48, he founded "Diabetes Natural Path Center," a medical practice in Sacramento, CA and has been practicing there since 2005. Witnessing his mother’s struggle with type 2 diabetes inspired Dr. Godby to make a professional commitment to help fight the diabetes epidemic.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Dennis Godby, MA, ND
  • Very dynamic speaker, obviously knows his stuff!
  • Easy to follow & understand material, able to apply to patients now. Great use of personal info. Great resources.
  • Down home good review of things I knew with nuggets of new info added to the mix.
  • He gave us many clinical perals, which can be used immediately.
  • His stories made it sound like he's done a lot of overcoming of obstacles in his life and I liked how he looked at spirituality in medicine - promoting meditation! 
Dr. Erin Lommen 
Belly Fat, Baby Boomers and Boredom in the Bedroom
Loss of libido, an inability to achieve satisfying orgasms, and truncal obesity are symptoms that have been associated with aging. Many Americans are struggling to shed unwanted belly fat that is contributing to problems in the bedroom experience in two ways: first, physiologically because of insulin resistance and the associated decreased libido, and second, through lowered self-esteem and insecurity about nakedness. Dr. Lommen’s presentation gives hands-on, effective steps for optimizing health with the use of bioidentical hormones, balancing neurotransmitter levels, devising optimal nutrition plans and supporting spiritual well-being. Go beyond palliating symptoms to implementing successful evidence based treatment for your patients’ waistlines, hormones and sexual fulfillment.
About Dr. Erin Lommen, ND
Dr. Lommen is a licensed naturopathic doctor currently enjoying her 23rd year of clinical family practice and health optimization using natural and integrative medicine. She is the co-author of, Slim, Sane and Sexy: Pocket Guide to Natural, Bioidentical Hormone Balancing.  Dr. Lommen has given presentations at medical conferences on Gastrointestinal Health, Bioidentical Hormone Balancing, PCOS and Metabolic Syndrome, Adrenal Fatigue, Depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She has appeared on both local and national television stations, including a recent interview on CNN Medicine. Academically, Dr. Lommen was a clinical investigator for a successful 5-year study on chronic disease funded by the National Institute of Health and spent 10 years teaching at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine as an Associate Professor. Currently, she serves as the CEO and Associate Medical Director of Labrix Clinical Services, Inc. 

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Erin Lommen, ND
  • Nice balance of research and clinical information, excellent speaker!
  • Excellent level of knowledge, this is the caliber of doctors the CNDA needs to strive for. 
  • Glad she brought up talking frankly about sex with patients. Also, the optimal levels of labs was useful. 
  • She was one of the best presenters, informative, focused and had good flow.
  • I really enjoyed this lecturer. The information was useful and the lecture, well rounded.

Dr. Kristy Anderson 
The Role of Environmental Toxins in Dysmetabolic Syndrome: Tools for Detoxification and Treating Endocrine Disruption
The endocrine system, responsible for regulating glucose and insulin, is susceptible to the influence of environmental toxins. When toxins disrupt the endocrine system, many down-stream changes occur in the body, such as systemic inflammation and abdominal fat acting as an endocrine organ. Dr. Anderson will explore the relationship between dysmetabolic syndrome and environmental toxins, and offer evidence based detoxification and cellular drainage tools for the treatment of toxic patients. Attendees will learn to identify sources of common environmental toxins, how particular toxins function as endocrine disruptors, and strategies to support glucose and insulin regulation while reducing abdominal fat. The lecture will provide useful detoxification protocols for everyday practice, as well as give clinicians the tools to discern between various detoxification options.
About Dr. Kristy Anderson, ND
Dr. Anderson is the Medical Advisor for Heel Inc., and currently serves at both the national and international levels for Heel medical education and medical research. Dr. Anderson’s naturopathic medical practice focuses on homeopathy and environmental medicine, and she has presented numerous lectures on this topic. She is passionate about improving health through detoxification and reducing exposure to environmental toxins. She graduated from SCNM and currently practices in Albuquerque, NM.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Kristy Anderson, ND
  • Very knowledgeable! Much of the information will be a useful reference point for me in practice and was a good review and enhancement of our core training on this subject. 
  • Great presentation! 
  • Really enjoyed her lecture. Great information! 
  • Good review of all the environmental toxins. 
  • Good overview of sources of toxic exposures, great up-to-date info, lots of useful information. 

Dr. Ryan Bradley 
A Patient-Centered Approach to Managing Blood Glucose Along the Spectrum of Metabolic Disease
Insulin resistance, one of the first manifestations of metabolic syndrome, if left untreated will eventually progress from impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes. Recognizing the stages along the continuum of metabolic disease is necessary for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, but clinicians must also take into account a number of other factors. Patient preferences, patients’ comprehensive medical risk, and the risk/benefit ratio of candidate treatments all require consideration when developing an evidence based treatment strategy for dysglycemia. Dr. Bradley will share his clinical and research expertise to help attendees collaborate with their patients to create evidence based, individualized treatment solutions in four common scenarios in the management of dysglycemia: pre-diabetes, first-line prescribing upon diabetes diagnosis, sub-optimal control of glucose in diabetes despite first-line treatment, and poor glucose control.
Dr. Ryan Bradley, ND, MPH
Dr. Bradley received his doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University in 2003 and his Master of Public Health in Epidemiology from the University of Washington in 2009. He currently serves as core clinical faculty and Associate Director of the Research Institute at Bastyr University in San Diego, as well as an Affiliate Associate Professor in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle.  Dr. Bradley has presented his primary research at national and international conferences in diverse forums, including the American Diabetes Association, the International Diabetes Federation, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the International Congress on Complementary and Integrative Medicine Research. He has published his research in numerous peer-reviewed journals, including Diabetes Care, Diabetelogia and BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Finally, Dr. Bradley was a co-investigator and member of the expert clinical team on the randomized clinical trial of whole practice naturopathic medicine for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. 

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Ryan Bradley, ND, MPH
  • Wow, knowledgeable! Research was current, liked his ideas on pharmaceutical medications, very valuable info on pharm meds for DM2-- an area seriously lacking in ND training. 
  • Good coverage of pharmaceuticals in diabetes, something that I definitely needed reviewed. I appreciated his knowledge about insulin use and how to prescribe.
  • Very helpful review of meds used in T2D with risks/ benefits clearly outlined.
  • I very much needed this update on current pharmaceutical protocols and the medications being prescribed. Thanks! 
  • Excellent review of the laboratory analyses associated with BG dysregulations.
Dr. Vivek Shanbhag 
Ayurvedic Herbs and Nutrition for Natural Weight Loss
Ayurveda acknowledges that each person possesses a unique psychosomatic constitution, or mind-body type. Using a systematic and clinically proven methodology to identify an individual’s mind-body type, Ayurvedic medicine can address the unique factors that create imbalance in the individual’s weight metabolism. Individualized nutrition, specific herbal formulas, natural cleansing procedures, exercise and lifestyle are key elements of the evidence based Ayurvedic weight management approach. Dr. Shanbhag will instruct audience members in this 5000-year-old science of natural healing and share lessons from over thirty years of experience practicing these proven techniques. Clinicians will learn about weight management from an Ayurvedic medicine perspective and become familiar with Ayurvedic dietary approaches, evidence for the use of herbal medicines, and discover effective relaxation techniques.
About Dr. Vivek Shanbhag, ND, MD (Ayurveda), BAMS, CYEd
Dr. Shanbhag is a renowned Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician, professor, researcher and author. For over 30 years, he has successfully run Ayurveda and Naturopathic institutions in the US, India and Japan. Currently, he is the founder and director of Natural Medicine Clinic, Academy & Wellness Spa in San Jose and serves on the Board of Directors of California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. During 1989 to 2006, he founded and directed the AYU Ayurvedic Academy, Clinic & Spa in Seattle. During 1991-96 he was the Chairman of the Ayurveda Department at Bastyr University. During 1985-88, he served as the Head of Ayurvedic Research Institute in Pune. In 1988, he was awarded the prestigious I.I.M. Gold Medal for MD-Ayurveda Research Thesis. In 2010, the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America honored him with the Award for Excellence in Ayurvedic Teaching. 

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Vivek Shanbhag, ND, MD
  • He summed up a very broad topic of Ayurveda amazingly well! 
  • Presented great new information with protocols. Excellent job! Please invite back!
  • Great job and fun! I enjoyed learning how to categorize people into the 3 main body types: Vata, Pitta, Kapha
  • Clinically relevant material. Interesting and different perspective.
  • Ayurvedic treatment plan of weight reduction was interesting. Even though I know little about ayurvedic herbs, I feel he covered and explained the concept well. 
Dr. Mona Morstein 
Metabolic Syndrome in the Post-Menopausal Woman
As a result of the decreasing production of estrogen, post-menopausal women are at higher risk of developing central body fat and metabolic syndrome. Dr. Morstein will discuss the pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome, as well as the etiological risk factors specific to post-menopausal women, enabling attendees to better diagnose this condition in patients. A comprehensive evidence based treatment strategy that integrates diet, botanical medicine, sleep, exercise, stress management, detoxification and bioidentical hormonal prescriptions will be explored in depth. Attendees will also become familiar with conventional treatment strategies for metabolic syndrome in post-menopausal women.
About Dr. Mona Morstein, ND 
Dr. Morstein graduated summa cum laude with a BS in Foods and Nutrition, and earned her degree in Naturopathic Medicine at NCNM in 1988. After completing a year long residency at NCNM, she moved to Great Falls, Montana where she ran a private practice for 13 years. Currently, she serves as the Chair of Nutrition at SCNM and is an active Gastroenterology professor and clinic supervisor. Dr. Morstein is known throughout the naturopathic profession as being an expert on pre-diabetes and diabetes, as well as in gastroenterological conditions. She is the owner of NaturopathicChat, the world’s largest email list of naturopathic physicians and students.  She is a frequent lecturer at naturopathic conferences and was honored with the President’s Award at the 2012 AANP conference.

Selected Participant Feedback for Dr. Mona Morstein, ND
  • Great presenter! Entertaining and easy to listen to. 
  • She is always so clinically relevant. Loved how she spent some time on body image- it's so important in our field. Loved her presentation.
  • Learning about the link between visceral fat and depression was helpful-- And insulin resistance and menopause!
  • I love the tie in with addressing eating disorders when addressing nutrition. 
  • She's hilarious! Loved that she made sure to address issues with expectations of patients and potential for inducing orthoexic symptoms. She really covered Met Syn and menopausal women well. 

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• PDF booklet
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