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I Must Take Good Care of Me CD Download THEME:SELF CARE

Part Number: TakeGoodCreDL
Price: $9.99 $7.99
Status: Available

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This Theme Series CD is part of the professional care line, focusing mostly on coaches, mentors, and therapists. It consists of songs that help one's energy realign, clear energy fields and boundaries, and feed higher vibrations into the places where the counselor has given away too much. It is a powerful CD of self nurturing to keep the inner resources at a high level so that insight and support can flow to the client.

Lyrics can be accessed with the song.

Click a title below to get lyrics, hear a song sample, and purchase the song.

SONG TITLES (Click each song  to access page to order that single song MP3 download
  1. Take Good Care of Me
  2. Love Is My Work
  3. Be Here Now
  4. Mask
  5. Roots
  6. I Pull It Down
  7. I Am Love
  8. Opening
  9. Dance in the Fire
  10. Power
  11. Sunshine
  12. Comes Back
  13. Boundaries
  14. Strength
  15. Zeal
  16. I Am at Ease
Click on any of the above titles to access a sample of the song. Songs can also be purchased and downloaded individually.

Find out below how this recording can positively impact your vibration, health, and spirit
Here, we acknowledge and celebrate our capacity for self care. Having this awareness and attending to it regularly allows you to reach a balanced state more consistently. It is necessary that we appreciate our ability to care for our needs by doing so. Seems obvious…Yet, we are often not supported in our efforts by those around us, our family, our relationships, our social groups, our cultural influences. This pressure steers us from critical action.

So, we must develop a willingness to put taking care of our survival, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs first. Then, despite resistance, do so. A little step builds into longer steps which develop into long sustaining journeys. Begin to plant the seeds of the importance of taking care of yourself. Decide what that means to you. What is self care for you? Are there things you want or expect from others that consistently do not get met? Are there things important to you that consistently get put on the back burner? Do you expend your energy taking care of others, only to be overwhelmed or fatigued? Take stock…

Make lists of what it is that is necessary for your well being: your physical, your emotional, your mental, your spiritual. Get clear on the forms in each of these by listing them. Check those that you already do and are willing to maintain. Circle those that you do not do. How many of them do you expect others to do? Do they do them? Are they something you could do for yourself? Be honest. How might you do that for yourself. Develop a strategy for them one at a time. Then get started doing them.

When you celebrate your capacity for self care, you send out the invitation for opportunity. The Multiverse follows with situations, people, and choice. For the physical, make sure that you provide your food and water and sustenance needs. Enjoy sharing with others but limit expectations of wanting others to do so for you. Take responsibility to fill your own internal energy reservoir. You will thrive in the vibration of tending your own inner garden. When you are full and the energy is maintained then you are in the perfect place to share that with others, without expectation. Give love, give time, give support from your place of fullness, knowing that what you give is limitless, that what you share is simply passing on the light to another, a part of the great flow. Nurture yourself into happiness. Wanting others to do so is an invitation to the blues. We have choice. We have action. Each of these affects the forms of life in the next breath. Adjust to create the forms you desire. Then celebrate their manifestation.

Care for your emotions by allowing them. Learn to recognize their symptoms and characteristics of being present. Trust that they are a temporary flow. Allow that flow and be the witness of the release. Celebrate the release. Be emotional and be alive. Your doing so sends a call to others to do so. In the flow you reclaim balance.

Weed through your thoughts and beliefs. Notice which no longer serve you. Go about changing them: by repetition of a new thought, visualizing the new way of being, by affirmation, by witnessing the action in others, by teaching about the new thoughts, by writing about what you desire and deserve. Notice the unhealthy thoughts when they arise and replace them with the opposite.

Loneliness is a huge challenge in human life because there is such dysfunction in relationship. Maintain spiritual health by being aware and open to internal and external guidance. See the spirit in all of life. Develop relationship with all dimensions and creatures. Listen and communicate with the animals, the plants, the minerals, the earth, the cosmos. You are not alone. Create loving relationship with your Higher Self and Inner Child. Prove to yourself you are not alone. See Love everywhere. Affirm and claim the richness of the I AM in all. These are just a few suggestions about taking care of yourself. Just do it. Your world will never be the same…

These songs will assist you in applying the above actions. They will keep the self care vibe flowing within you. Sing them as you take care of you. Notice how they empower you to show up fully in all your moments. Sing out and sing a lot...

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01 Take Good Care Of Me

02 Love Is My Work

03 Be Here Now

04 Mask

05 Roots

06 I Pull It Down

07 I Am Love

08 Opening

09 Dance In The Fire

10 Power

11 Sunshine

12 Comes Back

13 Boundaries

14 Strength

15 Zeal

16 I Am At Ease