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Complete Chakra Clearing Heart Chakra Statements Download

Part Number: CCCHeartChakraStatementsDL
Price: $0.99
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These statements are designed to clear and amplify the Heart Chakra. Use them to assist in the clearing of the old doctrine of limitation. The more you use them the more they impact the the deep self, implanting into the subconscious mind. Daily use at least once is highly recommended.

Heart Chakra Statements

1.         On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past relationships that did not honor me. I now choose to freely give and receive love without hesitation. I proclaim my lovability and celebrate that I am a divine expression of Love in all my moments. I bring only those beings and situations into my life who resonate in Unconditional Love. And so it is.

2.          I call forth all my relationships on all levels of consciousness to stand before me as I stand before you, in Love. I ask you to forgive and honor me as I forgive and honor you. I embrace all bonds between us in unconditional Love, transmute them into the divine expression of Creative love and acknowledge that all my relationships are in Divine perfection.

3.         I proclaim the Essence of Love to be my own and command that it resonate throughout my Universe on all levels of consciousness transmuting all interfering energies into the divine expression of Creative Love. 

4.         I Am Love. I am loveable. I give and receive Love freely without hesitation and without restriction. I Am completely open to experiencing the cleansing and healing power of Love in all my energy bodies, in all my moments, and in all my relationships. In my balance and clarity I choose Unconditional Love in all my interactions. I Love fully the Me That I Am.

5.         Love is the only power. Love is. Love is my work. Love is what I Am.

6.         Love is the foundational frequency of all that is. Living in this essence I move in the unification and the oneness in all my moments. Therefore, nothing can harm me  unless I choose to make it so.

7.         I see and hear only through the energy of compassion, empathy, equality, and Oneness. These frequencies bring a calm and a peace to any situation.


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