Download How-to Articles Take a moment and download the information that will give you the foundation for a new higher frequency skill or tool. Each article has the basic information along with a host of actions to take to put the idea into form. Learn how-to in an easy, flowing manner. Below are the articles currently available. Select the ones you desire and download it for a nominal charge. 

And here is a list of additional articles to come. 

  1. Clear thinking
  2. Opening Heart
  3. Using Music for Clarity
  4. Breathing-7 techniques
  5. Creating Healthy Endings
  6. Personal Power
  7. Living the Passionate Life
  8. Living with Ritual
  9. Living without attachment
  10. Creating Affirmations that work
  11. Freeing the Voice
  12. Creating relationship with Life
  13. Movement
  14. Power of Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Songs
  15. Finding Personal Rhythm
  16. Inner Child Communication and Care
  17. Self Care and Nurturing
  18. Past Lives
  19. Access Akashic Records
  20. Words of Power
  21. Self defeating Words
  22. Changing Habits
  23. Practicing gratitude
  24. Accessing Guidance
  25. The Art of Celebration
  26. Taking Action
  27. Keeping a Birthday Attitude
  28. Live like a cat
  29. Live in the Now
Each article is in a PDF format. Upon completion of the purchase you will receive a link in the Email receipt.

Click the download link and likely your PDF article will open in your device in Adobe Reader. If you need that app, go to  to download the latest version. Open the article and save it to the location of your choice. The article is not formatted for Kindle or other readers currently. You can download the PDF to your iPad or similar device through Apps such as Good Reader or PDF Reader. Enjoy practicing your new higher frequency skill

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Blessings, Mark Stanton Welch
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