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Complete Chakra Clearing Root Chakra Statements Download

Part Number: CCCRootStatementsDL
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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Root Chakra Statements
1. I Am, in all ways and on all levels, whole and complete. I require nothing or no one to fix me or fill me up. Thus, I am free to surrender to fully live and love all the forms that come my way.

2.  In all my moments I maintain my foundation and allow flexibility and flow to support me through life. I am grounded to earth and like a tree move gracefully through all the winds that may blow.

3. In all ways and at all times I am safe. I attract only situations and people of higher vibration, where I can fully be my unlimited self.
4. In all ways, on all dimensions, and in all levels, I Am completely taken care of.

5. I am nourished by the Spirit within. Every cell in my body is filled with Light. I give thanks for my radiant health and happiness.

6. I choose to eat nourishing food, engage in fun and exhilarating exercise, rest and sleep to meet my needs, and listen and respond to my body’s callings.

7. At all times I remain fully in my body. All my energy fields remain clear and clean and in perfect alignment. My greatest peace and power comes when all my bodies are fully integrated and solid on the earth

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