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Course: Living As If Already Whole

Part Number: CourseLivingAsIfAlreadyWhole
Price: $1,750.00
Status: Available

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My dear friend, you are most assuredly at the most important threshold of this or any incarnation. You are at the supreme point of choice. Stay the same and embrace all that that entails, for better or worse…or make the profound leap of faith where nothing makes sense and the world you have known is turned upside down…

Suppose the gift of all you have ever been through is ready to fall into your lap. Suppose there was a way for it to all make sense. Suppose that you could step out of what has been and reclaim the power of wonder and imagination to explore and experience this world and this life and this I Am Self in ways that you have long forgotten. Suppose you could simply make the choice to live now as if you were already whole…no more journeys of frustration, no more seeking, no more failures, no more pressure to be someone else, better, more this and more that. None of that…just a deep experience of you in a magical kingdom called Earth.

Suppose you could live now as if you were already whole. What might happen? What might your life be like? What might you be? Well….do you want to find out? Are you ready to act as if you have it? Are you ready to start thinking, believing, moving, being in a decidedly higher frequency just to see what will unfold? Intrigued? I bet you are…so let’s get more information because it is time for you to make a decision!

This is a practical course that invites you into the unfamiliar, the dormant, and the expansive. Honestly, we have no way of knowing the outcome. Therein, lies the magnificence of the adventure. We are simply setting an intention that we, as a civilization, have been living under the influence of misinformation, regardless of the reason. Beliefs and behaviors have been fabricated to support the misinformation. By lifting the veil and exposing the deeper inner truth to the Light, the hypothesis is that it will begin to reveal itself in an exponential way, thus separating you from the influence of “the way it has always been.”

Rising in frequency, the curtain is then drawn back and we witness, again, the original design in all its splendor. Freed from the shackles, the power and the experience of each moment then reveals the next in a spiraling dance of reclaiming the I Am That I Am As Me.

Here are the topics of the first two blocks:

A1-0 An Overview and Setting the Foundation (Single Session)

A1-1 Reactivating the Aquarian Implants (4 wks)

A1-2 Who Am I?: The Big Picture (4 wks)

A1-3 The Regulation and Amplification of the Personal Energy Grid (4 wks)

A1-4 DNA Immersion and Activation (4 wks)

A1-5 Advanced Manifestation and the Moving Sea of Abundance (4 wks)


B2-6 Emotion: The Juice That Makes Life…Life! (4 wks)

B2-7 Empathy, Compassion, Gratitude, Grace and the Awakened Heart (4 wks)

B2-8 Living in the Sacred State of Full Bodied Health (4 wks)

B2-9 Activating Clear Inner and Outer Communication (4 wks)

B2-10 Engaging the Multi-Dimensional Sphere (4 wks)
B2-11 Dreams, Past Lives, and Celestial Magick (4 wks)

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