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Course: Sound Waves Inner Mystery School

Part Number: CourseSoundWavesInnerMysterySchool
Price: $795.00
Status: Available

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This is a thorough course filled with information and personal experience and new insights. You will have more than a foundation in working with sound. The course work will open you up and clear your own vibration and reinforce your personal guidance channels. These times are asking a great deal of those who are willing to be present to their power. It is a glorious opportunity. I encourage you to enroll now. Here are the details of your investment.

There are three levels to the course and it concludes with a Practicum gathering in San Luis Obispo, California. Below are the levels along with a brief into to each:


If you are new to working with sound and vibration, then this 8 week course is just the place to start. In addition to learning about the foundations of working with sound to change vibration and frequency, you will gather personal tools to apply to your self to create an inner place of center and power.

The nine introductory lessons will be online. You will have additional access to supportive audio and visual files as well. You will be shown how to apply the tools.


This in-depth school will give you a strong foundation upon which you can build a personal practice of helping yourself and others realign their cellular frequencies to wholeness. Through PDF based information and audio and video samples you will see and hear just how sound can be used to bring about a profound balance in all your energy fields and systems.

Consisting of six monthly learning blocks, this mystery school will educate you in a powerful vibrational art and science. As all information is downloadable on the first of each month, you can proceed at your own pace, reviewing the information as often as you feel necessary. Study questions at the end of each block will help you to review that which is critical in your training.

When paired with Level Two, you will have all you need to set up a practice as a Sound Alchemist.


Building on the foundation provided in Level One, Level Two gives you the tools and the practice with the tools that are the palette of the Sound Alchemist. Knowing how sound works, you are now ready to expand into other forms of vibrational healing. Learning the intentional power of music is another skill that will round out your training.

For information and details and to explore enrollment please follow this link...
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