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Deep December MP3 Song Download: Ballad of the Christmas Tree

Part Number: December MP3DLChristmasTree
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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This is another song from the play, So...This Is Christmas, written and performed at Santa Lucia Peace School in Templeton, California while I was guest teaching during my last year as a public school classroom teacher. 

It is a bouncy ballad with verses in A minor to amplify the sad content of a tree who just would not get picked as a Christmas tree by a family. It is a poignant journey of a tree holding true to his belief in self and the knowing that the day will come when the child would come there just for him, and carry him away...

It was simply staged, beautifully effective, and gave me a hit song that would surface again in the second act of my Christmas gala at Unity of San Luis Obispo, California, when my daughter, Gabriela, had her stage debut as the little Christmas tree. As yet, it is not a classic. But once you hear it you will want to make a regular song in your Christmas playlist from then on. 

This is the story of One little tree
Alone upon the hill
Unprotected from the wind
His life was never still
Twisted by the hands of time
Looking rather old
But the one little tree
On the great big hill
Had a heart made out of gold
Every year at Christmas
All would pass him by
No one ever noticed
The tear there in his eye
Though his heart was Breaking
He knew there’d come a day
When a child would come
There just for him
And carry him away
     Oh, wait little tree Just wait for me
     Was whispered On the wind
     Don’t ever stop believing
     I’ll soon be there My friend
Then that magic Christmas
When hope was in the air
All the people came and went
And still he’s standing there
When out of the mist came One little child
With purpose in her eye
And the one little tree
And the one little child
Walked down the
     Oh, wait little tree
     Just wait for me
     Was whispered On the wind
     Don’t ever stop believing
     I’ll soon be there      My friend

                     © 2003.Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved.


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03 Ballad Of The Christmas Tree