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God in Every face Song MP3 Download

Part Number: GodEveryFaceMP3DL
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Singing and dancing are a partnership made in heaven, unifying the inner and outer while blending the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies in a rousing welcome home. Every night at TYOU we would sing and dance. Songs were written in the middle of the day while the travelers were doing body work with the team, or in personal inner consult with Crystal, or doing art therapy with Karl and Kyle. Sonia and I would often retreat to the temple to create. I intuited the music and the feel on the guitar or the keyboards and rhythm devices and we would pen the lyric based on the morning's channeled message that came through her that very morning. Let me say it was a rich and inspiring partnership...lots of fun too!

This song, having said all of that above, was already in place when I arrived. It was written for one of Unity Youth Weekends in the late 90's. It's the New Thought 101 idea of the God within all of us that formed the basis of this partner circle dance song built in the Jewish musical tradition. In that tradition we started slow and sped it up each repetition until there was energetic debris strewn all over the temple. Do you like to sweat? We were soaked...but we were among friends, a Celestial posse growing out of the blossoming unified connection that TYOU made manifest.

Dance in the Glory...whirl in the Grace...see God in every face...indeed...ok, pick it we go!
We come together to behold
The Power of Love T
he Power of Light
We come together to behold
We are Divine
Lift up our hands lift up our heart
Lift up our vision lift it to the stars
Dance in the glory
Whirl in the Grace
See God in every face
         ŠJuly 13, 1997. Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved.

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12 God In Every Face