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I Am Alive Song Mp3 Download

Part Number: IAmAliveMP3DL
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This became one of the main theme songs at the conference. All 200 voices singing I Am with full voice was a power that was tangible, visceral, electric. Spirit came in and celebrated with us as we claimed our individual and collective aliveness. Years later, a dear friend from Mesa, Arizona, Bill Raines, invited me to join his Living Love groups whenever I was in Unity of Mesa. He took this song as the number one must play tune to open each event. Fun stuff...miss Bill deeply. 

And that Christ inside thing refers to a misplaced frequency of Holiness contained in each human incarnate by design. As we free this we are then able to do all things that He (Jesus) did but with greater capacity. Blasphemy? or Right On...Let's do this!! You decide. Then freely apply your belief...

Use this song to remind you of the greater you and lay the groundwork for the loving dance of life that you so richly deserve.
I Am alive with the passion and power
I Am alive with my purpose in life
I have the strength, the skill, the courage, the faith
To free the Christ inside
I Am, I Am
     © May 5, 2000. Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved.


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14 Alive