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Inward Bound MP3 Song Download: The Child Emerges

Part Number: InwardBoundChildEmerges
Price: $0.99
Status: Available

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Breathe and stand at the beginning of you, looking out into the possibilities that lie before you, calling with an excitement that quickens your pulse. You are that innocent one about to be  reborn again into the next step. Know that you come from love and are received by loving hands and beings who know you beyond your imagination. Their sole purpose is to soothe your troubles heart and pick the weeds and clear the path of stones to lay only beauty at your feet. Use this visualization each time you move into the new. Call forth the energies and the situations that will bring your heart’s desires and know that this benevolent universe is bringing all that is necessary into your vibration as you read. With wide open eyes and anticipation simply pick up the gifts you are given.
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12 The Child Emerges