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Mark Stanton Welch Bio

Part Number: MarkStantonWelchBio
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Mark Stanton Welch is a musician, a songwriter, a performer, an educator, a facilitator, a sound and vibration alchemist, and a visionary.  For over 20 years his creations have touched the hearts and minds of New Thought audiences worldwide.  With guitar, keyboard, drum and voice, Mark has interacted with and empowered individuals and groups from children to teens to adults to the wise ones. 
Mark served as music director at Unity  Church in San Luis Obispo, California, for 16 years.  He also travels internationally to provide musical support for New Thought Conferences and churches.  His 13 years as an elementary classroom teacher gives him the sensitivity and skills to work with the youth.  A long held dream to write music for authors and accompany them at workshops was realized with a 12 year association with intuitive and Hay House author, Sonia Choquette. He has also been on stage with New Thought authors, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Joan Borysenko, Doreen Virtue, John Holland, Shakti Gawain,  and Alan Cohen, among others.
Mark is prolific in his creations and enjoys writing songs and music specifically for an event.  He has created many partner and group songs that invite participants to share, dance and connect more deeply and profoundly.   Concerts are a combination of presentation and interactive songs.  
Mark's many workshops are contemporary, relevant and interactive.  He uses his music to create an atmosphere of safety and acceptance which, in turn, encourages willingness to risk.  Activities involve all of the senses and learning styles of the participants.  He facilitates the experience and massages it to meet the intuited needs of those involved, often spontaneously. With Mark's extensive experience as music director of the San Luis Obispo Unity, he is an excellent guest musician at other churches. 
In addition, Mark can assist you in opening your voice to its fullest expression in his Voice Recovery process. Individualized sessions as well as weekend intensives are available.
Now available is a Vibrational Attunement, a personalized multi dimensional realignment of vibrations and energy designed specifically for the client at this point of their journey.
Mark began his study of sound and its healing applications over ten years ago. His methods are a result of the study of ancient cultures, shamanic practices, science, and his own creations. He regularly provides personal sessions to cleanse old energies and realign the frequencies and vibrations of the client. He created the Sound Waves Inner Mystery School, launched in 2014. He is passing on his extensive knowledge of creating healing music in a unique online mentoring course for musicians launched in 2014 as well. 
As a facilitator, Mark has created a growing list on cutting edge on-line and tele-conference courses that address the specifics of the changing energies and vibrations of these remarkable times. Living the I Am, Tools for the Times, and the brand new, Living As If Already Whole course are samples of his prolific and evocative work.
In these remarkable times there is great need for music to support the transitions that are occurring individually and collectively. Mark's music reflects a personal  path.  It is filled with insight and encouragement; with reminders of strength and skill inherent in each human being;  with a remembering of the tender and beautiful threads that tie us together, one and all; with celebration for the diversity and divinity of all life; and with a firm acknowledgement of our spiritual essence and union with the Creator Source.
You are invited to share in Mark's music. Visit Mark’s website at to explore a wide variety of services and subscriptions from New Age Musician mentoring to  Five Day Higher Purpose Retreats to Spiritual Counseling to Inner Child Mentoring and beyond...

Mark Stanton Welch
PO Box 1331   Cambria, CA 93428
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