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Over There Song MP3 Download

Part Number: OverThereSongMP3DL
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Personal energetic boundaries were addressed in this playful tune that became a staple in Sonia's workshops to get participants actively into discovering and tending their own energetic field. While at a 5 day workshop at The Crossings in Austin, Texas, we decided we needed to get people actively exploring their boundaries. Sonia had learned this empowerment that had some movements to it as well as some strong statements to be spoken. The empowerment is the words of the song.

It was a hit the first time we shared it. The group could not get enough. In fact they wanted to alter the lyrics just a bit...The first time we shared it the people spontaneously demanded that " Get off my frickin' back" be changed to " Get off my fuc*in' back"...Of course we obliged. And when I eventually recorded the song in the way they had demanded, I was told by Hay House to change it...gotcha...

Nevertheless, this is a power song of reclamation in the Solar Plexus key of E. It rocks and swings and invites action. Use it when you feel burdened by authority, when you are tired of the way things are coming down, when work is too demanding, when you want to create some personal space...and, do enjoy it...regardless of the words you choose, it is one potent tool!
I can hear you better over there
I can hear you better over there
I will not get caught between a rock and a hard place
I can hear you better over there
I’ll hold down the rising tide
Get the world off my shoulders
I can hear you better over there
Get  get off
Get off my fuckin’ back get off
Get  get off
Get off my frickin’ back get off
Get off my frickin’ back
Get off my frickin’ back
Get off get off
            © February 4, 2004. Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved.

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