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Special Services: Reclaiming the Natural Voice

Part Number: SSReclaimingNaturalVoice
Price: $795.00
Status: Available

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Of all the instruments in the world, your voice is the most versatile, the most colorful, the most beautiful, the most expressive. Nothing conveys the nuances of the inner world so poignantly, so powerfully. In fact, your voice mirrors the condition of your heart and soul. It is an indicator of what you have yet healed, of what you cling to.

Our natural voices have been systematically diminished by our particular life experiences. How many of us have sung with passion only to be silenced by “You can’t carry a tune in a bucket”, or “Why don’t you just lip sync the words”. Though we bought the criticism, we still long to sing, for singing is the heart in full bloom. It is life massaging itself with soaring melodies or rhythmic chants.

Why not work to free the voice first by changing the thinking and the self-criticisms and replacing the fears with nurturing awareness?

This is what I offer. By clarifying and expanding the true voice within we can then fine tune the mechanism. 
Recovering the natural voice is a journey and a process of rediscovery, a reconnection with your divine essence.

Please Note: The Voice Recovery Process is not singing lessons. It clears the energetic blockages that inhibit one’s singing experience. It clarifies the quality of the voice and restores the willingness to sing. Singing lessons are a natural follow up to this process with positive results more likely.

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