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Sound Alchemy Resources: Sung Mantras CD Complete MP3 Download

Part Number: SungMantrasCompleteMP3
Price: $9.99
Status: Available

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A mantra is a spoken phrase that is intentional. Often from a spiritual perspective, invoking a particular Deity, in the case of many Hindu chants, these phrases use the time proven power of repetition to bypass inner resistance to seed the particular message. Additional, especially with ancient mantras, they carry the collective high frequency power of all who have ever spoken the mantra. When you call upon it, that collective power is called into play. Recently, many traditional mantras have been put into song with a repeating melody or in a call and answer format. Controversial to traditionalists who prefer the sing song speaking of the mantra, these new melodies are actually very potent sound wise. Explore a variety of traditional Hindu mantras put to original melodies. Sing them to magnetize the particular intention each brings forward.
Click the SAMPLES tab above to listen to 30 sec samples of each song in MP3 format at 128mHz quality

Click to access lyrics, Musical Medicine applications, and suggestions to maximize the vibrational use of this CD.


1.  Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru           
2.  Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
3.  Om Ha Ksa Ma La Va Ra Yam Swaha           
4.  Shanti Prashanti Sarva Baya Upasha Mani Swaha    
5.  Om Ram Ramaya Namaha    
6.  Shanti Prashanti Sarva Krodha Upasha Mani Swaha  
7.  Om Vajra Sattwa Hung       
8.  Om Sharavan Namaha        
9.  Namo Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sa   
10. Om Eim Saraswatiyei Swaha         
11. Om Ashweena Tejasa Chakshuhu 
12. Hung Vajra Peh
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01 Ek Ong Kar

02 Om Dum Durgaye

03 Om Ha Ksa Ma

04 ShantiPraschanti Sarva Bhaya

05 Om Ram Ramaya

06 Shanti Praschanti Sarva Krodha

07 Om Vajra Satwa Hung

08 Om Sharavana Bhavaya

09 Namo Kwan

10 Om Eim Saraswateyea

11 Om Ashweena Tejasha

12 Hung Vajra Peh