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Tools for the Times Volume One

Part Number: TFTTBookV1
Price: $30.00 $19.95
Status: Available

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From the Tools for the Times Introduction

And this is where this course, Tools for the Times, comes in. It was brought in in 2015, while we were still a fledgling work in progress, getting our first tastes of the Aquarian frequency. It became a handbook for keeping attention on the higher frequencies that were infiltrating our cells and viscera and minds and hearts. It became a vehicle that could open the mind and heart to the new ways of looking at our own I Am Self. It became a resource for conscious actions to take to massage and expand one’s own personal frequency. It became a launch pad for the ideas that would activate the inner knowing to reveal the unique Source expression that you are. It has evolved into the perfect companion for the kind of out of the virus time that here, in August of 2021, keeps stumbling to manifest. Starts and stops on the outside reflect the shifting inner world that is shredding the old ways. The energetics of being under the thumb for so long, ignorant, dancing around the whisper of the greater truth that each of us hears so frequently just below the current distraction, take time to unravel and eventually, dis-integrate from the visceral belief system that has been at the helm for far too long. 
Tools for the Times was the year long course that paved the way for the follow up book, Living As If Already Whole, also available. You hold the foundation book that will prepare you for the frequency changes contained in the pages of Living As If. I encourage you to start here.
Tools for the Times was originally 4 blocks of 7 sessions each, spanning the weekly exploration and subsequent life applications each participant was invited to choose. It is now presented in a two volume set of Book One, Book Two, and Book Three, each containing many sessions.
It is a deeper choice you have made to take this journey. I celebrate that and welcome you to the brink of your own swiftly forming re-awakening. I invite you to read and take action. Apply the ideas. Make them a new way of viewing the world you occupy, from the inside and the outside. Gather with your friends and make study groups to collectively explore, discuss, and apply the higher frequency tools contained in each session. 
These are not the times to be going back to doing the same ol, same ol…those times and the forms that made them common place are fading fast and will simply evaporate from consciousness. You are and have always been so much more. It is time to claim that on a multi-dimensional scale. Let Tools for the Times be your companion framework that will feed and nurture the Whole You back into Celestial Service where you will come home to your own eternal design…just in time.
These are different days they got a brand new frequency
The more I look in the more Love I can see
I have to thank this Universe for the gift I’ve received
The whole world has been sent to their room
Just to think about  to figure out  to turn around  to find who they are
‘Cause along came the virus 
its forced us to stay
And that’s where we’ll find it 
it is not that far away
And when we are finally alone
We will find ourselves a home

-I Found Myself a Home, c May 2020. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to the Now Age…we shall build it together and thrive in the individual frequency of Wholeness. May all your moments dance…With blessings and in gratitude
Mark Stanton Welch
July 28, 2021

Book One Table of Contents

01- Transitioning from  Piscean to Aquarian Times
02- Cycles and Rhythms of Life
03- The Process of Self Creation
04- Clearing Energetic Debris
05- Multi-Dimensional Living
06- Creating Relationship with Your Inner Child Self
07- Flowing with Emotions
08- Accessing and Applying Cosmic Laws
09- Ascension
10- Breath, Voice, and Word
11- I Am Soul
12- Spiritual Ray Integration
13- The DNA Revelation
14- Working with the Akash

Explore also:
Tools for the Times Book Two

Tools for the Times Book Three
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