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Wake Up MP3 Song Download: All This Time

Part Number: WakeUpMP3SongDLAllThisTime
Price: $0.99
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It may appear at times like not much is going on in the realm of progress, personal or otherwise. But oh, Grasshopper, there is so much more than meets the eye. If you could fly out to view the journey you have taken all at once, it would blow your mind, and open your heart with the deepest respect, awe, honor, gratitude, and celebration. When was the last time you simply took stock...of you?...remembered just how far you have come, what it used to be like, what you did to get to exactly this spot? Been awhile...right?

Well, this is a challenge and a diversion that keeps us weak. Without paying attention to our own big picture, we see only the isolated parts, engorged with their own experience and energy and debris and shaky are so much more. And here is the magical paradox...for when you do this you start to open up and see the expanded life that includes your brethren. All of humanity has been on this journey with you...interwoven. Yes, they each have had a unique experience and journey that has honed their frequency. But, when you open to you, you open to all. And we all see with the same magnificent heart into the heart of the other...on and on...all this time, we built our cathedral, all this time, we built what will be...

Listen to this song only when you are ready to expand and intersect with all of life. Listen only when you are ready to lay down your personal walls that have seduced you into believing isolation was safe. Listen only when you want to see what lies behind the your own intricate veil of illusion. 

And when you do, listen a lot. Use the intention of this song to strip away resistance. It is powerful enough to do the work for you...that is not a mulligan. It is a gift that then allows you to show up purely as you...for all who come into your own sphere of influence. The journey begins, indeed.   

Look where we’ve been
Look where we are
Look what our Choices have made
Thank God, we’ve come so far
So it begins
So we move on
Into the mystery Into one great beyond
      All this time We built our cathedral
      All this time We built our belief
      All this time We built our reflection
      We built what will be
      We stand on the Power
      We stand on the Light
      We stand on the Word
      We have spoken
      That God lives In you and in I
      We echo the Wisdom We act out of Peace
      We reach to other And open our hearts
      To a Love that won’t cease
      All this time
Can you say, “yes”?
Can you let go?
Can you embrace What’s unfolding?
Can you release What you know?
Each with our mission
That’s pulling us on
Here in this unity We can find strength
In our Heavenly Bond
All this time We built our cathedral
All this time We built our belief
All this time We built our reflection
We built what will be
We stand on the Power
We stand on the Light
We stand on the Word We have spoken
That God lives In you and in I
We echo the Wisdom We act out of Peace
We reach to other
And open our hearts
To a Love that won’t cease
All this time
All this time...
                 © 1994.Music for Every Soul. All Rights Reserved.

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