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Youth Empowerment Resources: Wise Child CD Complete MP3 Download

Part Number: YERWiseChildMP3DL
Price: $16.00 $9.99
Status: Available
Weight: 1 lb, 0 oz
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Intuition is a given, a birthright. All incarnate with the capacity intact. It is whitewashed over by misinformation, cultural, familial, and societal beliefs and pressures, and a decided lack of acknowledgement and encouragement by self and others who matter to us. In other words, the capacity to use our sixth sense is dormant, waiting for attention to trigger its reawakening. These songs, from the book Wise Child, by Hay House author, Sonia Choquette, are the very tools that can reignite the awareness in both self and in family. These singable chants invite you to remember that you can experience the moment from a higher, expansive perspective and live in a connected way. Use them by yourself or as a family. Practice together, sing together, intuit together.

Please remember that unless noted, all songs were previously released on other CDs.

Click the SAMPLES tab above to listen to 30 sec samples of each song in MP3 format at 128mHz quality

Lyrics can be accessed with the song.
Click a title below to get lyrics, hear a song sample, and purchase the song.

SONG TITLES (Click each song  to access page to order that single song MP3 download

Click to find out how this recording can positively impact your vibration, health, and spirit
1.    Wise Child
2.    Simplify
3.    Language of Spirit
4.    Sacred Space
5.    Vibration
6.    Be Fair
7.    We Were Born
8.    You're Not Alone
9.    Eternal Soul
10.  The Vibe
11.  Contemplation
12.  Trust What I Feel
13.  Natural Plan
14.  Advice                                     

My music has all been thoughtfully created to serve intentional vibrational frequencies. As all is vibration, it follows that specific vibrations can serve specific purposes. The body is made up of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and systems all vibrating at certain frequencies that create form, function, and degree of alignment. When energy flow is restricted by the moments of living, then vibrational frequencies change, usually diminishing. The restrictions create blockages which can create conditions that demand conscious attention for the purpose of clearing to return to the state of balance.
I write with vibrational intention to create results by resonating with the cells to stimulate them to realign. By choosing song keys that focus on the chakras, I am sending like frequencies to a place that holds the energetic remnants of the blockages. By further aligning rhythm, melody, harmony, and lyric, I provide a powerful medicine to invite and escort the body’s return to wholeness.
Each song is a specific tool that will address an energetic frequency. In a sense, it is an energetic musical prescription created to heal. By gathering like intentioned songs into a collection, it creates a powerful resource to assist you in reawakening and changing the forms of your life.
The Musical Prescription Sets are a complete immersion in the theme behind it. Listening to the songs regularly is powerful medicine. Singing along with them is the completion of a circle of intentional healing that will eventually replace systemic thoughts and behavioral patterns that contributed to the condition. Reclaiming health, balance, and center is a conscious choice that requires action. This music is the perfect companion for your reclamation project that will bring you home to You.
Look for the Musical Prescription Logo above for recordings that follow the principles of Sound Alchemy

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01 Wise Child

02 Simplify

03 Language Of Spirit

04 Sacred Space

05 Vibration

06 Be Fair

08 We Were Born

09 You're Not Alone

10 Eternal Soul

11 The Vibe

12 Contemplation

13 Trust What I Feel

14 Natural Plan

15 Advice