Classes Mark's variety of class offerings vary from online meetings of once a quarter to weekly and all that lies between. These classes are designed to expand you into activating your receptivity to allow the Whole Self to blossom into full awareness. Each of these classes launches between now and 2025 so please check the dates in which they each come on line before you choose and register. Classes will have an online presence and will be facilitated by mark with conference calls, Zoom calls, and emails. I do look forward to walking one of these paths with you...

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Part Number: ClassesCyclesRhythmsofLife

Price: $90.00
The vibrating Cosmos creates rhythms and cycles that play in predictable ways, for awhile. Wise is the one who looks at the big picture and flows with the inevitable variations. Let's look at cycles and rhythms from the seasons to holidays to your own inner cycles, and live our moments consciously open to the greater flow.. Twelve Monthly Tuesday night classes. Click the title to find out the details on this one of a kind mini class.
Part Number: ClassesPracticingSelfcare

Price: $65.00
Self care is the true foundation to being fully present in your moments of living. Your self care practices determine how life shows up for you as well as how you respond to what does show up. Seeking and living in the flow is a wise choice. If you could get regular self care tools and techniques to apply to steer yourself into balance would you go for it? Ninety minute class once a quarter. 
Part Number: ClassesCelestialUpdate

Price: $60.00
In these fast moving times it is useful to stay up to date...with the Cosmic News! There are some reliable channels who are delivering higher frequency information at a pretty fast clip. Let Mark filter the updates and pass on the stuff that can have the greatest impact on how you engage your moments of living. Update occurs once every three months on a Tuesday. 
Part Number: ClassesIntentionalWorldAction

Price: $60.00
The clearer and more aligned to our original design the more we find we are capable of being and doing. From a place of greater clarity we see and experience life in larger ways. We are more informed, more powerful, more capable. In this state we can send out intentional messages to the world to mightily assist in facilitating the balance we crave. Consider this class a being in service to the greater good of all. Quarterly class.
Part Number: ClassesDevelopingTrustinGuidance

Price: $60.00
How much do you trust life? Do you act upon your inspirations? What do you do when you hear the voice within? Guidance is all around us. How much do we tune in? Listen? Respond? Trust? There are ways to improve this and establish a more fluid connection with all that is aligned with and for you. Start developing those trust muscles. Six monthly classes.