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Complete Chakra Clearing Third Eye Chakra Statements Download

Part Number: CCCThirdEyeChakraStatementsDL
Price: $0.99
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These statements are designed to clear and amplify the Third Eye Chakra. Use them to assist in the clearing of the old doctrine of limitation. The more you use them the more they impact the the deep self, implanting into the subconscious mind. Daily use at least once is highly recommended.


1.         On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past thoughts, illusions, and beliefs that have inhibited me from seeing my true worth. I lift and release all veils over the truth of this dimension to reveal to me the beauty and love in all of life. I see and experience only through the eyes and heart of Love. And so it is.

2.         I Am Creation on all levels of consciousness. I choose to be free of the holographic veils of illusions that have interfered with my ability to see my truth. I am prepared to accept responsibility for my world without distortion and illusion. I command that all thought forms and energies that have created the holographic veils and obstruct my ability to see my truth now be transmuted into divine Truth. I command that the vibration of fear that has been attached to these veils and my perceived reality be transmuted into the vibrations of Unconditional love, Joy, Peace, and Happiness, for that is the reality I choose as my own. And so it is.

3.         I open to the reclamation of my imagination in order to free my mind from all self-imposed limitations. Knowing that nothing is as it seems, I look for the infinite possibility of alternate solution in all the opportunities I am blessed with.

4.         By design, I am an intuitive being. As a sixth sense I give full permission for the gradual integration of my psychic skills and talents. I freely and confidently explore the vast dimensions now open to me on all levels. I am safe and well protected in this adventure.

5.         Being aware of all the guides and teachers available to me in etheric realms, I open to receiving and responding to the guidance. In free communication I flow confidently through my moments of living, hand in hand with these magnificent resources.

6.         With clear intent, I call for the cleansing of the pineal and pituitary glands to reawaken my full access to the powers bequeathed to me by design and birth. As a fully embodied being I Am unlimited within and without.


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