Courses, Classes, Mentorings, and Special Services Explore the very powerful, timely, and expansive offerings by Mark to support your own reawakening and reclaiming of Whole Self. These courses, mentorings, classes, and special services vary from individuals to group to online to conference call experiences. Be sure to check out the launch date of some of these offerings, especially the mentorings and the classes as they will be arriving over through 2025.
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Part Number: ICMFlashResourceKit

Price: $75.00 $47.00
Inner Child Mentoring Resource Kit on a USB Flash Drive...shipped
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These courses, facilitated by Mark Stanton Welch, are the result of multi year offerings to a select group of like energied travelers. They have been put into book form and can be accessed at any time for self study. But, if you are serious about fully remembering who you are you may want to consider the one to one weekly journey with Mark via conference call and Zoom to have a personally aligned experience that is quite profound and immediately applicable to your moments of living. 

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Mark's variety of class offerings vary from online meetings of once a quarter to weekly and all that lies between. These classes are designed to expand you into activating your receptivity to allow the Whole Self to blossom into full awareness. Each of these classes launches between now and 2025 so please check the dates in which they each come on line before you choose and register. Classes will have an online presence and will be facilitated by mark with conference calls, Zoom calls, and emails. I do look forward to walking one of these paths with you...

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These are unique opportunities to work one to one with Mark via phone or Zoom or Skype. They are each a specific number of sessions with companion information on the website, Music for Every Soul. Weekly sessions are a combination of information sharing, application of the information, and relating the information to specific elements of your own current life. Each mentoring is an investment in your reclaiming your clarity and greater understanding of the whole you. The course investment is based on all these elements.

Special Services
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Check out this variety of experiences/services that are both in person and over the phone/internet. These are all one to one experiences that are by arrangement. Transformational...