Current Song Giveaway Periodically I will give a song away for a free download. I am intentional about getting my music out to a larger audience. Please download it and also share it with as many people as you would like. When you do share it please include the link where they can experience more samples and free music and also explore all the other elements of my music and support services. 

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Part Number: April 2024GiveawaySong

Price: $0.00
Click to receive a special free song. Not only can you get the song but you get the story behind the song as well as the lyrics. It is in appreciation for exploring my site. Please share the song with a friend. There are plenty more songs available on the site...go ahead, explore while you listen to this one. And please take a moment, if you are not on my mailing list, to do so by following the link at the bottom of the page. Thank you in advance.